MovieChat Forums > Victoria Principal Discussion > She got Andy Gibb hooked on drugs in the...

She got Andy Gibb hooked on drugs in the first place!?

34. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 12/03 **#15**

The A Listers: At the time they started dating she was A list. Mostly television actress on the biggest show on the air. He was a foreign born A list singer. He fell head over heels for her. Prior to meeting her, he had never touched any drugs and barely even drank because he said it affected his very unique voice. She was older than him by several years and he never wanted to disappoint her or risk losing her. To her, he was a play toy. To him, she was the love of his life. So, when she said you should do some coke with me, he did. When she said you should do more, he did. He did it to the point where he couldn't go longer than a few hours without using coke. It cost him multiple high profile, high paying television jobs. It also cost him the actress who got him involved in drugs in the first place. She had what she wanted. A couple of years of fun, some additional fame and a chance at doing some music too. He found a new actress girlfriend but all she did was try to keep him off coke while listening to him ramble on about how the A lister should come back and then the next day how the A lister killed him. He was prophetic and did die and he and his family blame the former A lister to this day for his death. Victoria Principal ("Dallas")/Andy Gibb (younger brother of the Bee Gees: Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb) (Tai Babilonia)


You are wrong to blame Victoria Principal for Andy Gibb's excessive drug use. He started getting into drugs back in 1977 and was married to his 1st wife at that time. They divorced in 1978 and she has been quoted (when asked why the marriage failed) that Andy was not the man she thought he was when they wed in 1976 and he became crazy about doing coke. This was about 4 years before Andy even met Victoria Principal for the first time on the John Davidson talk show in January 1981. Do some research because you need to get your facts straight! I think she cared enough about his welfare to insist he quit the cocaine if he wanted to stay with her. Although Barry Gibb seems to hold a grudge against her for breaking Andy's heart, I've read that he had proposed an almost identical ultimatum to his youngest brother. Shortly before his passing, Andy was invited to join the Bee Gees on recordings and on tour BUT Barry insisted that he would have to stop doing cocaine. Sadly, Andy was so hooked on the coke that when he did wean himself off of it, the damage had already been done to his heart. I think both Barry & Victoria wanted the best for Andy.


Victoria did not get Andy hooked on drugs. She may have been promiscuous in her younger days, but she wasn't a drug user. Andy had insecurities and self medicated with cocaine. He alone was responsible for his own death, not Victoria. She gave him the ultimatum that it was either her or drugs, and he unfortunately made a fatal decision. Andy trashed her after their break-up, but she took the high road and remained silent. As for his brothers, they likely felt very guilty that they didn't/couldn't recognize the signs in the weeks/months prior to his death that he needed urgent medical attention for his heart and successfully intervene to get him that medical care and into rehab. And they unfairly directed that at Victoria.
