You think she's had it rough? Think of bald men.
They have it harder.
They have it harder.
That's true. Funny stuff.
shareThat was great!
shareThe thing I don't get is that every picture I've seen of her short haired head is that if she does have Alopecia, she just barely has it.
My buddy has it and as a result started shaving his head, and when he goes even two days without a shave, the Alopecia patch is shiny and hairless as a newborn's ass even as the stubble grows around it.
Her case (assuming she has it) is so mild that it wouldn't be seen if she grew her hair even in a short pageboy 'do.
I think she's either playing this for sympathy or to divert the unseemly story of her being smashed by that rapper.
It's true, when she cuts her hair super-short there are no visible bald spots, as is typical of people with real alopecia.
So she doesn't have good hair, big deal, particularly if she was the one who damaged her hair in the first place, with processing or extensions! The super-short hair looks good on her, she can afford all the new wigs in the world, and it's socially acceptable for her to wear them. In a world full of real tragedy, war, and disaster, she would be well-advised to shut up about her hair, because everyone else's struggles are worse.
You have that right. A lot of members of my extended family have ruined their hair through straightening chemicals and techniques and (what's probably worse) the very tight corn row braids. Many are now wearing wigs.
When Jada first started publicizing her heartbreaking struggle with alopecia, that was the response - talking about all the ways woman can damage their hair with overprocessing. Every bitch on the internet assumed that if Jada was losing her hair, that was why!
So maybe Jada talking about alopecia helped some other women deal with their own hair struggles, but she'd have been a hell of a lot more helpful if she'd been honest about *why* she had alopecia.
She can easily wear a wig. Probably has done before. Most women do.
A man wearing a wig. Mockery.
*just watched the video, he says this.*