MovieChat Forums > Sean Penn Discussion > This guy is the absolute epitome of the ...

This guy is the absolute epitome of the self important actor

No one cares what you think, you pinch-faced narcissistic little douche nozzle.


He is very pro the vaccine, he wants to punish anti vaxers, especially children,he’s very pro censorship, he is a devoted democrat, he loves Joe Biden, he wants us to invade Russia and donate HUGE to Ukraine. As a Jew he is very pro Israel and anti Goyim. America is not woke enough for him!





As a woketard, how does he reconcile being pro Israel? Must be a confusing life.


He's probably being blackmailed by the CIA for something sufficiently embarrassing or prosecutable.


Speaking as a lifelong liberal... I agree.

Having the right politics doesn't make you a good person.


He doesnt have the right politics either, dumbass. You're on the wrong side and always have been. You're just a brainwashed NPC following the crowd.
