MovieChat Forums > Sean Penn Discussion > Sean Penn: Criminal, Communist, and so ...

Sean Penn: Criminal, Communist, and so much more.

Sean Penn -

You should be erased, made to disappear, at the least removed from this country and placed in a maximum security prison because of your utter guilt, hate, disgust, and historically criminal nature against this country.

Your "interview" with the world's most notorious drug dealer, guilty of multiple felonies including multiple murders is disastrous, treasonous, communist, socialist, and just plain wrong.

You interview the most despicable individual on this planet, who was, at the time, a wanted felon, including dozens of murders, who justifiably should be shot and killed on first contact with law enforcement.

You my friend, your time is coming. You're going to end up locked up for many crimes that you've committed against this country historically.

You're a truly despicable and disgusting individual.


Well if Sean Penn is Evil then.. what about every war mongering nuclear arming degenerate president the US ever had? Not to mention the members of congress.

But in the name of Freedom we will sweep all the bad *beep* the american government has allowed to happen, at the hands of their armed forces, foreign and abroad.

Dropping bombs, spreading diseases, mass murders, sending armed forces into countries without reasoning or provocation, starting secret wars, funding the enemies of the world, where does it end?

But Sean Penn is evil because he interviewed a bad man.
