MovieChat Forums > Sean Penn Discussion > Sean Penn: Criminal, Communist, and so ...

Sean Penn: Criminal, Communist, and so much more.

Sean Penn -

You should be erased, made to disappear, at the least removed from this country and placed in a maximum security prison because of your utter guilt, hate, disgust, and historically criminal nature against this country.

Your "interview" with the world's most notorious drug dealer, guilty of multiple felonies including multiple murders is disastrous, treasonous, communist, socialist, and just plain wrong.

You interview the most despicable individual on this planet, who was, at the time, a wanted felon, including dozens of murders, who justifiably should be shot and killed on first contact with law enforcement.

You my friend, your time is coming. You're going to end up locked up for many crimes that you've committed against this country historically.

You're a truly despicable and disgusting individual.


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Add to that he is box office poison. From a list of top 10 box office bombs of the year on The Guaridan site:

The Gunman

From the director of Taken comes the connoisseur’s hard-man action mis-fire. Double Oscar-winning Sean Penn plays a one-time assassin who is hunted by, and must take revenge on, a former colleague. Also featuring Javier Bardem, Idris Elba, Mark Rylance, and Ray Winstone, it should have been brimming with menace. But then, audiences were more fixated on the fact Penn took his top off every few seconds. So fixated, it seemed, they forgot to turn up. The Gunman earned $15.4 million against a $40 million budget.

He also managed to insult the UK on the graham Norton show so much that that most congenial of hosts looked on in disgust.


El Chapo is a bad man, but he isn't even the worst in Mexico, let alone the entire world. Not sure if your hatred of Penn has blinded you to the atrocities of the rest of the world or you're just overreacting because it's recent news, but I assure you there are far worse people on this planet.


Are we grading evil on a curve now? Is that really how bad the world's gotten??

Evil is evil. Whether you murder 10 or 10,000.

Saying there's "worse" in the world doesn't excuse Penn.


You interview the most despicable individual on this planet, who was, at the time, a wanted felon, including dozens of murders, who justifiably should be shot and killed on first contact with law enforcement. Interviewing someone doesn't mean you endorse their behavior or their criminal activities. Are you that dumb that you really believe that? You're truly an idiot.

Now we can handle this like gentleman or we can get into some old gangster sh*t


Penn is sympathetic to his cause. That says enough. Penn acknowledges El Chapo's murder victims and drug addicts at the beginning of his piece. He has no illusion that the man is dangerous.

Now we can handle this like gentleman or we can get into some old gangster sh*t


Saying there's "worse" in the world doesn't excuse Penn.

Don't try to pin things to my statement that weren't there. I never insinuated he should get a pass because he only interviewed the 154th worst human on earth or what have you.

Perhaps the OP was directly affected by the Mexican drug wars, or maybe just has a distaste for his political views (I never said I was a fan). I guess it's a pet peeve of mine when someone says (x) is definitívely the (y) thing in the world when it just isn't true.
