MovieChat Forums > Liam Neeson Discussion > Liam Neeson Admission: I wanted to kill ...

Liam Neeson Admission: I wanted to kill a black man

I like Liam Neeson and wish him well, especially after he was widowed a few years back. I also doubt that he's a true racist. But this was an extremely ill-advised admission. He should have known that this admission would not be well-received, and I fear that it will alienate a lot of cinemagoers, particularly within the black community.


So, racial sensitivity and knowing what not to say in an interview are NOT among his particular set of skills.....


Apparently not. Voluntarily outing himself as having been a indiscriminately murderous anti black racist probably wasn't on his publicist's advisory list


So he doesn't use the same publicist as Donald Trump.


Seriously? Alienate people? Even if the black person acted criminally?
