MovieChat Forums > Liam Neeson Discussion > wants gun control. Yet....

wants gun control. Yet....

His wife croaked while skiing. Maybe he should push for more ski control.


Well, that's a great rebuttal, but I've yet to see Nazis or Mafiosos portrayed as heroes. So many movies that Neeson has made in the last 10 years follow a similar "revenge" formula.....the kind, peaceful man who is transformed when his family is violated and he goes after the bad guys, guns ablazing; the reluctant hero, whose gun violence is justified. The audience gets to play along vicariously. This is an old movie formula, but I think the level of explicit violence in film (and video games and music) tends to desensitize people (especially the young and unstable) and is part of the "gun violence" problem today. That's why I feel Neeson's position to be hypocritical. Many actors have refused roles because they did not agree with the script, role, character motivation, etc. I am so surprised that some actors are able to separate their work as mere entertainment without considering the cumulative societal effect. So they glamorize violence, make millions and feel justified lecturing the public how to solve the problem to which they have contributed.
