MovieChat Forums > Spike Lee Discussion > Funny how Spike Lee criticizes everyone ...

Funny how Spike Lee criticizes everyone for being racist...

... and then he whitewashes the entire cast of his remake of Oldboy.


Spike Lee isn't just racist...he's very racist.

It must suck to wake up every day and blame white people because you ran out of orange juice for breakfast or because it's raining outside.

I do love "Do The Right Thing" and "25th Hour" though. Great movies from the racist.


How is he racist?
Not being a trouble maker here but I honestly have no idea how he comes off as racist to you
The guy is a good director and story-teller...I enjoy his work and I don't think Spike is a racist


Look up all of the times he's had complaints on the basis of race. Constant.

There are hundreds of times he's complained about race. He does it more than anyone.

Just because you're an African American, when everything that comes out of your mouth has to do with some complaint about race you're a racist in my eyes. Anyone is free to feel differently.

I'm sick of every topic in the world today being about race. There are issues with racism from all races, but not every damn thing that goes on is because of the color of someone's skin, or their genitalia for that matter.

That's just how some people choose to deflect issues about themselves, or not being able to handle any criticism, or being able to handle anything that doesn't go the way they want it to.

So yeah, in my book, Spike is a racist.


I never really saw him in this light
He's made some fine movies that I really enjoyed
I guess we see it differently
Fair enough sut👍


He has made some excellent films. I love "The 25th Hour". Phenomenal.


I haven't seen it in ages but what a fine cast!
Thx for the reminder's on the rewatch list as of now


Complaining about racism isn't racist. People need to speak out against injustices or it continues and becomes worst. If people had your attitude, the U.S. would still be a British colony paying taxes without representation.


Not everything is racist, and not everything is an injustice.


That's not what I wrote. Fight or prepare to lie down and have people walk all over you. Why would anyone complain about a fighter unless you're what he's fighting against or support being a wimp?


I support honesty and personal responsibility.

Racism exists, but not in every single facet of life. Someone needs to let Spike know this. 90% of the time he is "fighting" racism where there is none.

It's also really funny that he spends so much time calling the Oscars racist, but when he is nominated, why is he sitting right there in the audience begging for their approval?

The answer is, The Oscars are not racist, he was mad he didn't get nominated, he doesn't accept that someone was better than him that year, so he resorts to calling people racist, and when he is finally nominated for his film (about, you guessed it, racism), he is right there with everyone else wanting the acceptance of the people he was calling racist. So what is it? He's a hypocrite, and tosses the old race card on the table whenever he feels like it will help him. So now he has an Oscar for best screenplay...are the Oscars still racist?

I'm not saying racism doesn't most certainly does, but that doesn't make it right to exploit it, like Spike Lee and so many people in his position do.

A supporter of "being a wimp"? What does that even mean? Jesus Christ.


The Oscars have always been biased, political, sexist, ageist and racist. Where have you been? I knew that since I was 7.

Bias is repeatedly rewarding a movie in which blacks play a subservient character (aka: stereotype) instead of an empowered character which was a major complaint.

Traditionally, the Academy was represented by middle-aged and elderly white men while the movie audience is much younger and now more diversified. Their movie tastes don't reflect the audience. They have been out of touch which is part of the reason why the ratings continue to drop each year.

It's not the place of a white person (if that's what you are) to decide if a black person was discriminated against or determine when a black person should fight against racism. That type of arrogance is racist, too.


"It's not the place of a white person (if that's what you are) to decide if a black person was discriminated against or determine when a black person should fight against racism."

lol, just no.

Even thinking that is actually racist. A person of any race can make a judgment about the actions of a person of another race. If you believe the reverse scenario is okay, you are actually racist.


Are you saying that a black person (or any discriminated person) needs to ask permission from a white person before fighting against racism?

Are you saying that only a white person can determine if a black person was legitimately discriminated against by another white person?

I'm asking these questions because the previous poster who is likely white has decided his/her opinion and judgement about racial discrimination outweighs Spike Lee's.

"A person of any race can make a judgment about the actions of a person of another race."
Do you believe it's appropriate for a white person to tell a black person that racism doesn't exists?


I believe any person can make any judgment in their opinion as to whether something is racist. The problem is that its so overused and people like Spike Lee use it inappropriately. For example, my movie didnt get nominated so RACISM. I didn´t get the job so RACISM. Are there instances where this happens? Sure, but too many minorities use it as an excuse for their own failures where it doesn´t exist. This happens in all facets of life and racism is just one of the many common excuses. I believe anybody of any colour has a right to make that observation.


You're saying that a white person knows more about what it's like being black than a black person does.

An observation and an experience are two different things.

How do you know it doesn't exist or that it's overused? The only people who say racism is overused are white people who aren't victimized by it.

Most ignorant whites are in denial about how much 400 years of white supremacy and racism is responsible for "failures".


No, I´m not saying that. I agree about experiences being different to observation but the observation here is that Spike Lee is making an allegation about the Oscars because things didn´t go his way. This is what I mean by "overused". He is jumping to a conclusion based on his own movie failures. Not everything is racism. Should we automatically assume it must be racism because a black guy said so? That is ridiculous. How long can you blame historical racism for not being able to succeed? 50 years, 100 years, 500 years? When does it end? If racism is truly affecting peoples´ ability to succeed, why are Chinese Americans thriving more than Whites?


If racism is truly affecting peoples' ability to succeed, why are Chinese Americans thriving more than Whites?

Great factual argument-stopper. SJWs hate simple (obvious) facts.


spike lee is a huge piece of shit racist.

and when he doesn't get what he wants he cries racism.... a low IQ moron, which happens to get a lucky break in the 90's on the hip hop movie wave


complaining about racism that isn't actually racism is racist


Who decides if it's actually racism?


rational, unemotional common sense




Adam Corrola


Who still?


him, & a few select others that i will nominate to an oversight committee


Seriously, who? I never heard of him. I had to google. He's been accused of sexism and homophobia which makes him an unlikely authority to define racism.

Nominate another.


he's only been accused of those things from emotional, low-IQ assholes,
he's the most rational celebrity out there


Where there's smoke ...


he's white, old, & opinionated - the perfect target for young snowflakes to take out their anger


"he's white, old, & opinionated"

And stupid. I prefer smart.


it's cool to argue in a joking way, but to state this man is stupid just makes you a complete joke & unworthy of the exchange of ideas


If you've been on MC long, you'd know keelai is a complete joke.


He´s definitely a racist. He´s one of those people that likely doesn´t believe he is being racist because he is a black person that isn´t backed by institutional racism. I remember seeing Hoop Dreams, and Spike Lee was ranting to black kids about them being used for their athleticism by universities. Like heaven forbid, a black kid uses his athletic ability to better his life. People like him will never be satisfied with society. There was a time when blacks weren´t even allowed at universities and he still finds a way to complain about something positive.


I don't know what he believes but I've never witnessed him making racist statements and so forth

He does seem like the angry contrarian type and not very friendly but that's a different matter and his right

Not saying I'd have a beer with the guy but racist..?
I'm not going with that


this site is full of racists who come here and attack black people for being racist to justify their own racism. and this site never does a fucking thing about moderating racist stupid comments like the start of this thread.

Almost everything Samoajoe says is in order to provoke some kind of hate argument about racism or some other MAGA Trumpian BS.


The real racists are those who talk constantly about race.


Well you are an idiot. He admits himself to being a racist and black supremacist.

He gloats about how he gives interracial couples the stink eye walking in public.


My idiocy was well established ages ago, get up to speed silly!

Spike's 'racism' not so much😁


I wasn't bothered by it until he called the Academy "racist" because Chi-Raq and Da Sweet Blood Of Jesus didn't get Oscar noms. Nevermind the fact that those movies just simply may not be very good, it MUST be because the Academy is racist...


Yet since complaints by many, the Academy has brought in more people of color, women and younger people to better represent the audience. There was a reason why nominations and winners never reflected the taste of most people and now the changes can help.


yes, just adding blacks will always improve everything, from movies to neighborhoods..... we all clearly see it everyday.

does not matter if you have great skill, as long as you aren't white, but "diverse" , then you will make a positive impact.


According to you, only whites can have great skills. Based on your comment, would you consider yourself to be prejudiced, bigoted or racist?


He seems like the type that would say "I'm not racist, I love Sam Jackson and Ice Cube! I would totally butt bang Jennifer Lopez! See, I'm not racist! YOU'RE the racist!"


"He seems like the type that would say "

you seem to be the type that spew a lot of bullshit.... and seems to pretend you know other people.

replace seem with are!


whites have very good skills


Like trolling?


well, yes, but it seems most races are good at that,
indicative of human nature


Some are better at trolling than others.


I've been hearing him complain about how much white people suck for the last few decades. It would be difficult to find more of a racist.


Black people can't be racist; it's impossible.

At least that's what Liberal Academia teaches (rolling my eyes).


And then when you show them the definition, they say that you can't look at the dictionary definition of it. For some reason that's the only word we can't take literal in the dictionary.


white people wrote the dictionary!!


The definition of racism is the same no matter what language it's in, so I don't see how a white person wrote the Japanese dictionary.


well, Japanese just proofread what the white people did


So you don't like how white people wrote the dictionary but seem to be okay with every other word except "racism"?


well, any word that i don't agree with because it doesn't fit my agenda


Guy had like one good movie. Boyz n the Hood.


"You talkin' to me?" - Al Pacino in Rocky


And he didn't even direct it. LMAO


About every third thing that comes out of his mouth is anti-white. He is a racist. But it's funny how some arguments go like this:

"I don't think he's a racist, because he's made some really good movies."


Or when they say that he can't be racist because he casts white people in his movies.


Spike Lee revealed his racism most notably, to my mind, after he basically put a hit out on George Zimmerman before all the facts were in. The fool tried to post Zimmerman's home address on Twitter, but got it wrong and posted information on where to find and attack some elderly couple that didn't have anything to do with Trayvon's attack on Zimmerman. That old couple eventually sued him and extracted a settlement. If you don't think the angry zeal behind Lee's vendetta against the "white Hispanic" Zimmerman had anything to do with race, then fine. Don't then ever infer that any white people are racist without unassailable evidence. Unsubstantiated charges of racism is a favorite game that many black people play these days with impunity thanks to a compliant media that doesn't take them to task.


I remember that. I also remember when people were going after him on Twitter for do it, he acted like such a child. He didn't own up to anything. It was not only stupid what he did, but dangerous.


Most, if not all negros hate white people! It’s the Zionist agenda to push the hate.
