MovieChat Forums > Heather Langenkamp Discussion > she MADE a nightmare on elm street

she MADE a nightmare on elm street

had it been any other lead... i doubt it would have become such a classic.



This movie made her iconic rather than vice-versa.


it's a two-way street i think



I agree, after they killed her on the third film the series went downhill and never recovered


Agreed. Truthfully I didn't even like the second one. A friend of mine rented the third and I only reluctantly watched it with him (I didn't realize she was in it at first), and when she walks into the hospital during her first scene my interest was piqued. Hers was the only horror movie death that ever saddened me. I read an article where a journalist recommended ret-conning it and pretending away all the other sequels (so she wouldn't be dead), and just treating it like Freddy has been away all this time since the first and I thought it was a great idea.


I liked Patricia Arquette as well, but they were both in part three. The lead actress in Part II was also good. The rest weren't terrible, just kind of forgettable.


Pretty much. Her sequel replacements were so bad it was laughable.


That's saying something. Langenkamp is not a good actress. Every line she utters sounds forced and fake, like she's reading a cue card.


Jealous are we?


I fully agree
