Let me point out an interesting item about Fonda, Trump, Russia and Vietnam POWs....
Jane Fonda has apologized many times for her actions when a young woman and people to this day will never forgiver her.
Ask any Marine and other soldiers and even look around on the internet for sources, but it is not an uncommon belief that POWs from the Vietnam War were shipped off to the USSR (Russia) back then (and these beliefs and sources are not wild conspiracy theories, either).
Now having that in mind, here we have Trump, a man that obtained five Vietnam War deferments and is pals with Putin like none other. Does anyone wonder if maybe Trump has ever asked Putin, the former head of the KGB, about this belief?
So, while Fonda is continually attacked for something she did as a very young woman and has since apologized many times for it, when have veterans, POW activists or others EVER attacked Trump for his love affair with Putin and other Russian spies (like the two he ushered into the Oval Office while laughing and joking) when many believe American POWs were were sent to the USSR.