Probably refused to work with people he didn't like, but isn't that most of Hollywood. But to walk into other studios and bang fists on tables to not hire people is a bit of a stretch.
If a director/CEO/Studio wanted to hire the new hot young actor, they would. Harvey Weisntein wouldn't even be in the room when another studio is deciding who to cast.
Sometimes actors can blacklist themselves by getting a bad reputation, and they still end up getting work.
Ali Larter for example. Very difficult to work with, antagonistic on set. Still gets hired here and there. Not much in big budget movies because she killed her own career with her bad attitude over a period of time. Directors just want to work with easy people, that's why they always hire their friends and you see a lot of recurring actors in certain directors movies.
Maybe Harvey could start the ball rolling to spread a rumour that an actor is difficult to work with, but then they have to be proven to be difficult to work with a few times before they get ushered out of the industry because no director wants to work with them.
To say Harvey can march into any casting room for any studio and tell any director not to hire somebody, and this lasts indefinitely, is a big stretch of the imagination when you really think about it.
Now, Miramax may have had a hand in Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino not being cast for Lord of the Rings. But Lord of the Rings was going to be made by Miramax and went through many stages of pre-production.
Peter Jackson says he was advised that these actresses were difficult to work with. Probably during his time with Lord of the Rings at Miramax. And he decided to take the bait and not hire them. He could have chosen otherwise.
So Harvey could lose them hires within his company, if he's producing the movie, and he advises the director not to hire them. But he can't cover every studio and every single director out there to "blacklist" somebody out of the industry for the rest of time.