I love the "soul" in his films. I'll admit, that Gone Girl and GWTDT didn't seem especially noteworthy when I saw them in the theater. They were good but nothing I'd call a favorite. Despite their initial mediocrity, I've noticed recently that when flipping through channels and deciding what to watch, I often end up on a Fincher film regardless of how many times I've already seen it - even Gone Girl. I think that says a lot. I'll watch Gone Girl 10 times even though I just thought it was "pretty good" the first viewing? What I think we may be taking for granted in initial viewings of his films is how seamless the plots are. It seems as though he's not taking any risks because everything flows so smoothly. But He's actually a masterful story teller. I think he knows exactly where the soul of the story is. I'd totally be interested to see something he wrote but I don't mind that Fight Club, Seven, The Game and his more recent ones were written by someone else. He still did an amazing job with them and I'll likely want to see everything he ever does going forward.