MovieChat Forums > Emilio Estevez Discussion > was he not given a fair career of ...

was he not given a fair career of serious roles cause of his

height and build.


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Well there's a lot of shorter stars out there. Tom Cruise, Danny De Vito, Al Pacino, Natalie Portman, Ellen Page, etc.

I guess Estevez got stuck or something. He did make some excellent dramas in his career, including first and foremost "The War at Home". His finest film to date. The directing and acting from Estevez was all top notch. "Bobby" is more ambitious, sure, but his masterpiece so far has been "The War at Home".

He's more famous for being a Brat Pack member, and the films he made at the time gave him an image that he's had to live down for a while now. He's had a good run though. I just hope he can expand on his directing career. The films he's made so far convince me that he deserves some more attention.


A lot of actors are quite short, proportionality is way more important. If your head(face) is large in proportion to your body you have a better chance of being more successful.


Maybe he hasn't had as huge a career as he could have had. On the plus side, unlike his brother, his personal life isn't constantly being played out on the covers of tabloids.


He was "big" in 80s. I remember even Charlie Sheen said something like that he was getting a better table on restaurant because he was "Emilio's brother". He still got some popular roles in 90s as well for "Judgment Night", "Mighty Ducks", "Loaded Weapon", "Freejack" and sequel to "Stakeout". Somehow I believe it was his choice to do more behind the camera works instead of starring in thrillers and comedies and he really is great at it. I don't know why he disliked "Men at Work" but he did perfect jobs with "The War at Home", "Rated X" and "Bobby". Sadly especially the War at Home & Rated X turned out very underrated films.


Tom Cruise isn't under 5'4" - Emilio's height. Neither is Pacino. Why women are included in your male role examples is a bit odd.

At any rate, he's an excellent actor, who I think would have a huge career in Science Fiction with that sarcastic wit of his, but only he can choose his roles.


Emilio is 5'6". How do I know? Because I've met him on a few occasions and have stood next to him to have souvenir photos taken. I'm the same height. Oh, and yes I agree that he is a good actor...and a very nice guy in person as well.
