MovieChat Forums > Robert Duvall Discussion > R. Duvall 'The Forrest Gump of Film'

R. Duvall 'The Forrest Gump of Film'

That's right "the Forrest Gump of Film"

What do Apocalypse Now, Godfather 1 and 2, Network, True Grit, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Conversation, Killer Elite, M*A*S*H, Lonesome Dove, Sling Blade and Bullitt and on and on have in common? Bobby Duvall stars or makes an appearance in them! The man's everywhere! He's made more "Forrst Gump" appearances in major/classic films than any other actor. Always working and always delivering.

Why the AFI lifetime achievement award has eluded his grasp is abominable.

A true man's man who has been in what many men consider their favorite theatrical film "THe Godfather' as well as what many men would consider their favorite made for tv film "Lonesome Dove"(which i consider his best performance as he has also picked as his favorite role)

So many other great films to mention...and what a director...have you ever seen the film he drected "Angelo, my love" A one of a kind film like no other.



Loved your point. An actor appears in so many top films for a reason.
Whether Duvall appears in one scene or throughout a movie, he's always
memorable for his credibility. And for such a lengthy and solid career,
in such a difficult profession, my hat is off to him.
