MovieChat Forums > Robert Duvall Discussion > R. Duvall 'The Forrest Gump of Film'

R. Duvall 'The Forrest Gump of Film'

That's right "the Forrest Gump of Film"

What do Apocalypse Now, Godfather 1 and 2, Network, True Grit, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Conversation, Killer Elite, M*A*S*H, Lonesome Dove, Sling Blade and Bullitt and on and on have in common? Bobby Duvall stars or makes an appearance in them! The man's everywhere! He's made more "Forrst Gump" appearances in major/classic films than any other actor. Always working and always delivering.

Why the AFI lifetime achievement award has eluded his grasp is abominable.

A true man's man who has been in what many men consider their favorite theatrical film "THe Godfather' as well as what many men would consider their favorite made for tv film "Lonesome Dove"(which i consider his best performance as he has also picked as his favorite role)

So many other great films to mention...and what a director...have you ever seen the film he drected "Angelo, my love" A one of a kind film like no other.



One of the best actors, ever. I hope he is recognized for his accomplishments very soon.


I think that comparing him to Forrest Gump is quite an insult to him. Gump was the ultimate accidental star, whose fame was totally fortuitous and not based on any talents.

In many of those movies, Duvall was a crucial element. There are a lot of things going on in Apocalypse now, but Lt Col Kilgore was one of the most iconic film characters of all time.

Then you add movies which he totally carried, like Santini, Tender Mercies, Get Low and throw in one like True Confessions where he more than holds his own alongside DeNiro and you have one of the all time greats!

Nobody's looking for a puppeteer in today's wintry economic climate.


Mr Duvall has put in some great performances.

Super Outstanding? hmmmm.

Recognition? yes!


Great actor yes but great men don't shill for the nut job right wing of this country. Great men don't support George Bush then slam the character of the current President.


Tom Hagen, Boo Radley & Bill Kilgore .. the man's a LEGEND


He is a great actor & his talent is no accident. I'm not a fan of westerns, but this man gets me to watch them! That is a great feat!

Go shake down the 7-11 for a day old wiener. Melvin- As Good as it Gets


Hey!! Ping pong champion of the world s quite the

And mr. Bluto, as an American he has the right to make his own personal choices, just like you. That doesn't have a thing to do with his accomplishments as an actor.

It's so funny how dems want those type rights for themselves but fail to acknowledge the other half of the country, and it Is half, who have the same rights. One reason I loathe politics.

Gone?!?.....Bitch we still here!


ha! Didn't quite get what you meant--I hated Forest Gump, so I wasn't following you, but I can see what you mean--the guy is everywhere. Nearly 80 and still going strong. And still a box office draw--I'll pay to see a movie he's in. Hope he never stops! "Run, Forest!"
