MovieChat Forums > Gérard Depardieu Discussion > defended by french artists

defended by french artists

no surprise here


France is where Roman Polanski has been hiding in plain sight for decades. Who knows, maybe even Jeffrey Epstein slithered his way out there.


He's still under an active police investigation. People should shut the hell up at least until that process has been concluded.

'He's a really good actor' really isn't much of a defence. And god alone knows why Macron has said anything. I'd have thought that was borderline prejudicial.


very strange reasoning


I'm open to arguments such as he's entitled to due process and separating the art from the artist, all of that. But 'He's really good at his job. Leave him alone' or 'It's an attack on all of French cinema'. What?

Nah. You can stick that garbage in the bin.


Well, I guess if you're an acting legend in your home country, you are immune from being held accountable of sexual assault.
