He’s on a roll!
After 10 years of being unable to make and release a film, and aged nearly 80, Croney is back. Not only did he just release Crimes Of The Future, but now we hear he’s reteaming with Vincent Cassel for The Shrouds, about a guy connecting with the dead.
Crimes is getting quite mixed reviews so I don’t know if he’s losing his touch or if the world has become too stupid to appreciate Cronenberg. I’ve never seen a Crone that I haven’t enjoyed, even Cosmopolis, so I’m anxious to check it out but finding it difficult to track down.
I thought Crimes would be his mic drop but it looks like Vincent Cassel fucking a corpse is Cro-bag’s preferred final flourish. Or, if we’re really lucky, he’s still got a few more mutant abortions to throw at us before he hangs up the flesh-towel.