MovieChat Forums > Bruce Willis Discussion > Is he going to be alright?

Is he going to be alright?

Do you know, is his brain condition curable, thanks. Good luck to him in any case. :)


You don't cure brain disease. You can do the best you can and manage it. Until Willis is heard from it won't be known how advanced is the problem. The only positive is he can afford the best care available.


But then, do we know for certain that this is what he really has?


Somewhat true. I know some kinds of brain damage you can recover from, like a stroke. Brain cells can't be replaced but I guess the brain sort of rewires and adjusts.

No idea if that's true of Bruce's condition, though.


He's gonna be alright. Daily BJ's in a care home.


I read that if in Bruce's case a certain area of the brain is damaged, it could heal up some and thus Bruce will be a lot better. However, I think this is a case where if he was going to get any better it would have happened by now. I feel bad for him, I hope some people really do care for him but it looks like EVERYBODY in his inner circle are using him as a cash register.


Just means he gonna die sometime in his 70s.
