You can't use work to judge respect, though... Michael Madsen and Steven Seagal still get work, but the quality of said work has lessened people's respect for their craft... Same with Bruce. Not that he's in as bad a shape as those guys - far from it - but it's the same principal. It's why you wouldn't put Stone Cold Steve Austin and Daniel Day Lewis on the same level, even though both are working...
Speaking personally, I'd just like a little less work and a little more quality, even if he has to drop to supporting parts to work on better projects... but, I guess I don't pay his bills. I'm sure there are plenty of actors who would kill for his career, but, as a fan, I still think he could be doing better... Even if it's true that nobody stays at the top, they still don't always fall this much (in my opinion).
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"