
Bruce has mad millions throughout his career as a gun slinger but ironically he's an anti-gun advocate. Same goes with Kevin Costner. These Hollywood actors are morons, don't preach what how you hate guns but made you millions with violence on the big screen.

State champ in martial arts. Trained with firearms. Don't be a keyboard warrior.


Anthony Hopkins isn't a serial killer in real life believe it or not.


Isn’t Willis a Republican?


Using the term "morons" kind of undermines your own credibility. One might say BW is a bit hypocritical and a poor role model for an anti-gun agenda (and that's a murky area in itself), but simply tossing out "morons" seems like you haven't given this much thought.
I could see how it might be fun to make an action flick with a few good ol' shoot-em-ups. I definitely was disappointed someone of the stature of Helen Mirren got involved with Reds, but such is the allure of an easy shooting (pun!) schedule and guaranteed cash.


Who knows if they really are anti gun. Their BOSSES are anti gun. I would tell them, If you want all of your future flicks to be indie or straight to streaming/DVD then join the NRA because the people who run Hollyweird are anti gun and vengeful.


Bruce is a Trumpster. He may advocate for more Gun Control/Safety so that's why so many Gun NUTTERS are labeling him Anti-Gun.

There's nothing hypocritical when acting in a movie playing a character. It's called fiction.


Same with Liam Neesan and every other sane person on Earth. Only NRA trash believes in promoting gun violence. Liam say his movies are just like cartoon entertainment, only an absolute moron would take it seriously.


I knew an actor once who had played Othello to great acclaim, career enhancement, and financial gain, yet he was adamantly against spousal abuse. What a hypocrite!


Besides what other comments have said (actors often portray characters with completely different beliefs from their own real life views), where is the proof Willis even supports gun control? A 2013 article quotes him as being against Obama-era measures:
