Why the Marvel Cinematic Universe Needs To Bring Back Betty Ross
4 years ago
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Before he appeared in The Avengers, Bruce Banner was the focus of the second official Marvel Cinematic Universe movie: The Incredible Hulk. In that film, Liv Tyler played love interest Betty Ross, who has been a key part of Hulk's mythos since his earliest days, giving the man behind the monster something to fight for. However, after Edward Norton's departed the role of Hulk and Mark Ruffalo took up the mantle, Betty hasn't appeared in the MCU in any capacity, which is both odd and a huge missed opportunity.
The end of The Incredible Hulk does give a reason for Bruce and Betty to part ways, as he wants to work on controlling the beast within. When he returns in Avengers, though, Banner explains that he's gained more control over Hulk, and his ability to bring out the beast at-will seems to confirm this. However, if Banner can now control Hulk and was willing to join a superteam to help fight villains, why did he not reach out to Betty again?
This is one of many reasons Betty's absence is puzzling. Another is that her father, General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, has remained in the MCU since The Incredible Hulk. However, neither General Ross nor Banner have made any reference to Betty, despite her importance to that film. While it's entirely possible she's moved on from Bruce and General Ross, the fact those who care about Betty never mention her despite the many catastrophic events taking place is a glaring omission that poses problems for the MCU's otherwise meticulous continuity, as it forces characters to not care about someone important to them.
Not including Betty in the MCU is also a huge missed opportunity, as she's been so crucial to Banner throughout the years. In the comics, they've been married and fought together against General Ross. Betty has also been both a hero and a villain, proving she has utility and compelling story to be told. There's also no character in the comics more important to Bruce than Betty, and her absence robs both Hulk of one of his defining characters and viewers of a fan-favorite.
There are a few ways the MCU could go about bring Betty back. One way is having her become the Red She-Hulk. There have been persistent rumors General Ross will become Red Hulk in the MCU, which would give the perfect reason for Betty to return and use that same process herself, like she did in the comics. A good place for this to happen would be the upcoming She-Hulk series on Disney+, which is set to introduce Jennifer Walters as the titular hero. Doing so would help to ensure fans get more Betty Ross and that the MCU finally shores up the problems her absence has created while also making the most of a beloved comics character.