He Lost Me Post KILL BILL, Sadly
He once said about Scorsese that his style is so different (post Goodfellas) that he's at a "different church" and that he, Tarantino, is no longer a member, and he didn't say it rudely, more an observation...
Alas I've felt that way towards the director who saved me in the early 1990's... Since KILL BILL, heck, sustaining the whole church symbolism, I'm pretty much a defeated Atheist...
I'm not here to bash QT but something's missing... He seems more style than, well, you know the cliche... His "comeback" veteran actors are given roles that are hardly cameos, he insists on working with big stars we get to see in everything BESIDES the special feeling of seeing a Tarantino movie, that could use no-names and still make tons of bread...
To me, QT has gone the way of Tim Burton... Burton's sets now just look like BurtonVille and TarantinoLand lacks the realism that the exterior landscape flicks from Tarantino's youth, Peckinpah, etc., all just seem in some cozy (for him) studio and... I don't know... It's sad... For me...
I want KILL BILL to come out... Another action flick HAS TO be good... Or not...The man's rhythm isn't off, really, it's just... a different song... or church... oh whatever I'm trying to say is this: I want the man back because tho I'm an old man, my youth ain't over...
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