Fall from grace?

had it all and now it's all gone, gone, gone. His big Hollywood career, his looks and his marriage. Oh and his son is definitely gay. What a shame. Playing the genie is the final nail in this sad coffin of a career. Remember 2007? he was the highest paid male black actor in Hollywood. He's been reduced to nothing but a figure of the past.


People get bored with actors who are always playing the same type of role the same way. They get tired of the shtick. It also didn't help that Will Smith did a botched Karate Kid remake and then produced a not needed remake of Annie.


Not everybody can be a Daniel Day Lewis. Sorry, But its true.


Well Daniel Day-Lewis is not a really good example since he goes in the completely different direction: he picks his roles very carefully and this is why he hadn't stared in a lot of movies in a more than 30 years old career.

It's kind of hard to get tired of an actor that we really barely see. On another hand, seeing Samuel L. Jackson playing himself most of the time in over 5 movies a year, that gets boring and annoying quickly enough.


"People get bored with actors who are always playing the same type of role the same way. "

I agree that this is accurate for most... but some manage it better than others because they find a way to stay relevant for a longer period of time.

Take Tom Cruise for instance: he has mostly been playing the same way since at least the 90s and is still highly successful. And just like Will Smith, he has made a few remarkable performances here and there.

But yeah rhe point still stands: people get tired when they are always being fed with the same thing over and over again, and this is the reason why so many celebrities have a short-term success.


Haha first he ruins youtube then he goes on to kill the genie in allahden. I used to like this dude when I was a kid now he just pisses me off every time i see him. And yeah i got nothing against gay people but his gay ass son is 10 times more annoying then he is




allahden is dumb...


"Oh and his son is definitely gay. What a shame. "

What? Seriously?


Will is total shite at picking movies. And he really dropped the ball not setting up his own hit franchise to crank out ten sequels with. And his bat shit wife and weird kids have definitely thrown open the door to his personal life and beliefs which hasn't helped his image any. He also fumbled his foray into edgy serious drama roles. I don't think he did anything wrong there, those pictures just didn't work out. Will's career is following a lot of the same beats as Eddie Murphy's. I would imagine he's about to enter the cranking out a slew of kids' features starting with this Aladdin flick.


Yeah I agree. I think the nail in the final nail in the coffin was his and his wife's Assinine attitude about the Oscars. Plus he was always bragging how much his blockbusters made more money than his kids. Karma for sure....
