If there was still rental stores, you’d find his movies littered throughout the obscure straight to video section.
Growing up in the uk I like a great many others watched a great many children’s tv presenters in my youth. Others would have been guests and what not on many many tv shows aimed at kids. When Saville died and stories started it was a shock to everyone. Then other names started to drop. Then another and another. By the time it was all over my generation as well as the ones that came before and after mine found out they had been getting entertained by some of the worst people on the planet. Child predators who for many many decades had abused countless children.
Weinstein is the USAs Saville. He will be the one that unleashes the torrent of stories about what’s really going on in Hollywood. I mean, we’ve all know it. We’ve seen the movies themselves show what big Hollywood producers are like. Something tells me that by the time this is all over there will be more than a few classic movies no one will be able to watch again without thinking about the horrible stuff that went on behind the scenes.