I understand the nature of subjective opinions, but it can get to a point where certain opinions are such an outlier that they hold little value to the collective whole. Like in an extreme example, if someone were to say The Room is a better movie than Goodfellas.
There are objective-like measures we can use to judge movies - acting, cinematography, directing, quality of writing/characters, etc. Certain touchstones the vast majority can agree contribute to making a great movie.
I think it's hard not to acknowledge that at least a few of Scorcese's films score very highly in each of these categories, including in comparison to other films which have been made throughout history. I guess I'd have to see what movies this person considers 8-10 as that might illuminate how they're making their judgments.
If it's some kind of "well, I don't really like stories about gangsters and boxers" thing, then that would truly be a subjective opinion separated from any sort of objective gauge.