MovieChat Forums > Keanu Reeves Discussion > Sounds like a nice guy!

Sounds like a nice guy!

He was abandoned by his father at 3 years old and grew up with 3 different stepfathers. He is dyslexic. His dream of becoming a hockey player was shattered by a serious accident. His daughter died at birth. His wife died in a car accident. His best friend, River Phoenix, died of an overdose. His sister battled leukemia.⁣ No bodyguards, no luxury houses. Keanu Keanu lives in an ordinary apartment and likes wandering around town and often seen riding a subway in NYC.⁣⁣
When he was filming the movie “The Lake House,” he overheard the conversation of two costume assistants, one crying as he would lose his house if he did not pay $20,000 - On the same day, Keanu deposited the necessary amount in his bank account. In his career, he has donated large sums to hospitals including $75 million of his earnings from “The Matrix” to charities.⁣⁣
In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu walked into a bakery & bought a brioche with a single candle, ate it in front of the bakery, and offered coffee to people who stopped to talk to him.⁣⁣
In 1997 some paparazzi found him walking one morning in the company of a homeless man in Los Angeles, listening to him and sharing his life for a few hours.⁣⁣

In life, sometimes the ones most broken from inside are the ones most willing to help others. This man could buy everything, and instead every day he gets up and chooses one thing that cannot be bought: to be real. ⁣⁣
Keanu Reeves, The One ♥️


But isn’t he Buddhist?


So is that a problem? I know a guy who became a Buddhist and he is one of the most generous and caring people in our town. Always gives of his time and money.

As for Keanu Reeves, I've never read a negative thing about him. No tantrums or star trips or expecting special privileges because he's a celebrity.


Buddhism ruined my life. Buddhists believe that your consciousness is always changing and a some times later it would be like your were dead as new matter would then make up your mind. Read up on anātman. I no longer believe it but back it the day I believed it as many scientists and psychologists like Carl Jung supported this. I went from being a runner in High School who wrote 20 page papers for AP American History to a guy in college who did very bad academically because I couldn’t function because I believed anātman was true.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Buddhism. The man I know is in his seventies and I'm not sure when he decided to follow that path.

I'm not sure he's totally dedicated to it. I asked him a few questions about it one time and he really didn't have any answers!

I'm pretty much at the stage in my life where my religious beliefs are firm and I have no desire to change. Sometimes I read up on other religions, but it's only out of curiosity.

A friend of mine invited me to go to her church. It's one of those that believes they are duty bound to get everyone "saved" or else they are going to hell. I went with her a number of times. Her pastor had some interesting sermons, but mostly I wanted to sprint out the door!

The earth is only 6000 years old. Only the "truly saved" (them) are going to be "raptured" out before the world goes to hell in a handbasket, etc.
I just leave people's beliefs up to them unless they get in my face about it!



I am strong Catholic now. I read a lot, write, run, play chess and draw. I feel television will rot your brain if you watch too much. Movies are ok, though. My ink art was in a community college art exhibit that I am an alumni of. Buddhism has definitely set me back but I am making progress. I am also an Infantry veteran.


Wow.. Buddhism is bad but CATHOLOCISM is the answer? That's your point, after like 2 long paragraph posts ranting about how bad Buddhism is?

You're telling the Catholic Church is better? The preists who molest children? Great religion. Also , they hate the gays, and they hate LGBTQ. That's why Catholic Schools take down LGBTQ+ flags and refuse to fly them. Because they are so loving and open to everyone! Catholicism as it is in 2024 , is just a vehicle for the anti-abortion lobby and the far-right. Even amongst the Christians, the Catholics are the worst, most judgmental, the most xenophobic and race-baiting.
