MovieChat Forums > Alyssa Milano Discussion > When I see her, I wonder why anyone...

When I see her, I wonder why anyone...

Would care what she thinks. She was okay in Commando, fun in Who's The Boss, and forgettable in charmed (because that show is forgettable).

Anything outside of her acting is just her trying to remain relevant with a mildly successful carreer.


You kind of answered that with your post. Anyone can have an opinion but you need a platform for other people to hear it. You may not care about Alyssa’s opinions but obviously you have heard some of them or you would not have commented here.


You overlook her greatest triumph: stark raving nude in THE ORIGINAL Embrace of the Vampire, which also featured the pulchritudinous Glori Gold and Charlotte Lewis, the latter of whom, sadly and inexplicably, kept all her clothes on (but had no trouble getting naked in Men Of War).


She was nude. Ok. Still don't know why anyone cares what she thinks.


I didn’t say squat about her cognition. I said she looks fine bereft of encumbering clothes. I don’t give a rat’s patoot about your topic. I just needed a place to make a statement.


Boredom strikes again.


Choke on your boredom and die. I’m here solely to amuse myself and one other. You are not she.


Actors should stick to their jobs of acting.


Well, that would be like saying no-one should talk about politics, religion or have an opinion on a hundred other topics, but just shut up and stick to doing whatever job they have? After all you just voiced YOUR opinion here.




You do a disservice to "mildly" successful actors like Ashton Kutcher by applying that adverb to this tramp.


see only notable as The Guardians ship the Milano which has been replaced Benatar


She's still hot.

Her Twitter escapades are legendary. LOL.

When someone screws up on Twitter they should call it a Milano.
