MovieChat Forums > Dolph Lundgren Discussion > Is Dolph Lundgren actually the PERFECT M...

Is Dolph Lundgren actually the PERFECT MALE?

A friend of mine told me: "You know who is a perfect man? Dolph Lundgren!". So I tought about it a little and I have to agree.

Here are the reasons:
- he's tall
- he's blonde
- he's educated, smart and very intelligent
- he speaks 4(or 5) languages
- he's a skilled martial artist
- he's got muscles
- he's probably got a big... gun :-)

If I was a girl I'd fall in love with him. And if someone asked me to choose who I'd want to be instead of who I am, I'd choose DOLPH LUNDGREN.


I'd say he was pretty damn perfect, hes Swedish for crying out loud, and I love tall, muscly, smart, guys, with green or blue eyes, lol

I had to watch Rocky 4 right now, just for him. Hotness in shorts.
