MovieChat Forums > Dolph Lundgren Discussion > Is Dolph Lundgren actually the PERFECT M...

Is Dolph Lundgren actually the PERFECT MALE?

A friend of mine told me: "You know who is a perfect man? Dolph Lundgren!". So I tought about it a little and I have to agree.

Here are the reasons:
- he's tall
- he's blonde
- he's educated, smart and very intelligent
- he speaks 4(or 5) languages
- he's a skilled martial artist
- he's got muscles
- he's probably got a big... gun :-)

If I was a girl I'd fall in love with him. And if someone asked me to choose who I'd want to be instead of who I am, I'd choose DOLPH LUNDGREN.


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Well, no MAN is quite perfect. But, he comes pretty close!

If I was a girl I'd fall in love with him.

You'd have GREAT taste too! The MAN is GOREGOUS

Don't sleep on the underrated Brilliance of actor Jeffrey Wright


To me, Dolph IS perfection. I've yet to see another man come any closer to it.

Oh, Adrian. Adrian always tells the truth.


yer but your all forgetting one thing....he killed apollo and im sorry I cant forgive that.


tomthefonz - i had a good laugh over that one


laugh. out. loud. =)


Ha ha! This one made me laugh hard. LOL. Yeah, it was REALLY upsetting that he killed Apollo...


Tom, you're the best!LOL

Yes...Dragon Wars sucked!
