Anthony Hopkins pays tribute to Chadwick Boseman after Oscar win
shareWell that was nice. Can this be all acceptance speeches? Lose the ceremony and just tweet that stuff out the next day.
shareIs it just me that found his tribute (or lack of) baffling?
He says he'd like to pay tribute to Boseman, but other than stating he died too soon, proceeds to carry on with his own acceptance speech?
Did Hopkins feel 'wokely-obliged' to mention Boseman in an (unsuccessful) attempt to deflect the expected cries of "Racism" that his oscar-win has since garnered?
No, he was just being respectful.
You should try it sometime.
Oh well, that's me well and truly told off?
Let me tell you this (with all due respect) if I could get within punching distance of you, I'd leave you in a coma.
Now fuck off, and take your 'do-goodery' attitude with you
Yeah, that’s almost respectful. Nice try champion 👍
shareI thought i told you to fuck off...Why are you still here?
shareBecause I love you. Is that so hard to understand?
shareOh wow....your earnest, kill-them-with-kindness, approach is starting to tug at my heartstrings, forcing me to self-reflect, thus winning me over, etc.
Here's some advice:
After buying a pair of ladders (to get over yourself) I suggest you read people's posts in future (instead of jumping on your oh-so-high horse) I meant no initial offence and am still genuinelly baffled as to why Hopkins wished to pay tribute to Boseman, but then proceeded with his own acceptance speech. Personally, I don't think he needed to pay tribute to anyone....but if he wanted to, I thought he might have said something of substance?
I'm no fan of Boseman, but will readily admit he died young....acknowledging such is hardly a 'tribute' or showing 'respect'. I found it odd that Hopkins used more words to announce his 'tribute' than his actual 'tribute'
So there's my 'take' on such matters. I'm baffled as to why everyone is losing their shit over such a non-tribute (Hopkins, should have added the word "etcetera" at the end, it was *that* heartfelt)
Sadly though ThetaSigma, the damage between you and I, is now done....You've made an online enemy (likely for life?) And all because you're a judgemental, know-it-all, arsehole (too eager in jump in with words like "respect" despite exhibiting little of your own?)
Oh no, not an online enemy! What ever will I do now? You’re breaking my heart, Steven.
For the record, you seem to be the only person “losing their shit” over this. It was just a version of a speech, one in which a winning actor acknowledged the passing of a nominee. Not the huge deal you seem to be making of it, but I’m happy to agree to disagree. Have a good day.
Had that been your initial response....I'd have gladly taken a bullet for you, Amigo?
But first impressions last.....and now it's on.
I've set my revenge in motion:
Unbeknownst to you, I've already killed your back-up team (don't believe me, try ringing Gonzales.....He can't come to the phone right now....I've decapitated him and his footsoldiers)
This ends in a 'Ring-of-fire'......with my (slimmer) stunt-double kicking the fuck out of yours (all set to a 2002-ish Nu-Metal soundtrack, no less) urgh!
Needless to say, I get the girl.
The Horror.
The Horror.
Good grief 👀
sharePerhaps Hopkins actually respected Boseman and did want to acknowledge him in his speech but also wanted to celebrate his win. If Boseman was white would you question it? Winners have mentioned those who have not won several times over the years. It doesn't have to be "woke"
shareI would be equally baffled if Hopkins announced "I'd like to pay tribute to a white actor" and then proceeded to say "He died too soon.........................Anyhow thanks for the Oscar"
It's not about Boseman or his skin colour....My gripe is with Hopkins
So is your issue with Hopkins regardless of him mentioning Boseman?
shareMy issue is that stating "I'd like to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman" followed by "He was taken too soon" followed immediately with "Anyway thanks for the oscar" is not a tribute?
It seemed shoe-horned in (and Hopkins overall 'vagueness' highlighted such?)
As I've said (several times now) I have no problem with Hopkins giving (or not giving) a tribute to Boseman.
Unfortunately, Hopkins did neither of the two?
Only baffling in the respect that he seemed to imply Wales was too nice to bother leaving for a potential Oscar.
shareI think he genuinelly had no expectations of bagging an Oscar....Hence the no-show?
shareOh, I think it was Covid. He's an old man. He wasn't gonna jump on a plane and sit in a room with all them people even if he thought he was a sure thing.
The whole affair is peculiar though, with the shuffling around of the awards and what not. Just another total goof from Team Oscar.
The man is 83, he appeared to be quite content where he was, why take chances?
I think Hopkins has little interest in awards these days... he was nominated last year and didn’t attend, skipped the Golden Globes this year etc.
Apparently he just had his COVID vaccine and decided to relax at his old home in Wales for a while rather than fly out to the US. He normally lives in LA if I’m not wrong.
It is!
Also, nobody seems to have expected AH to win and he is pretty old and perhaps not in the best of health.
Stay in Wales > Travel to an LA Train Station and put up with 3 hours of wokeness
share"Did Hopkins feel 'wokely-obliged' to mention Boseman in an (unsuccessful) attempt to deflect the expected cries of "Racism" that his oscar-win has since garnered?"
Well no, competing against someone who died tragically is a socially awkward position to be in regardless of PC issues. Win or lose, it's just not socially acceptable to say anything that isn't completely gracious. And winning requires an even higher level of courtesy than losing, if the winner was competing against someone who was much beloved and who died tragically, there's no option when accepting but to mention the tragic dead first and to heap praise on them, doing anything else makes you look like a selfish, thoughtless, dickhead.
As for cries of "Racism", I think those are being directed against the AMPAS voters, not at Hopkins himself, who was as gracious as the situation required.
Yup, I get's just his 'tribute' was pretty much non-existent (other than saying "He was taken too early") It read (and was certainly delivered) with all the sincerity of a last-minute, hastily-read shopping list.
There's a slew of 'Anthony Hopkins pays tribute to _____" posts on Moviechat....and whilst humourous in content, they do highlight the Blasé nature of Hopkins' 'tribute' here.
I'm baffled not only by it's authenticity (or lack of?)....but even more intrigued that it isn't getting called out?
The man is 83, too old to get called out for much.
And it's the AMPAS voters who created this situation anyway, nothing that people are objecting to is Hopkins' fault.
My problem is not with the following:
Hopkins (per se)
My problem was with the fact that Hopkins expressed an interest in paying 'Tribute' (but then proceeded to say little or nothing) I'm well aware of the 'politics' behind everyone fawning over Chadwick Boseman (because there's nothing more valuable to BLM and the like, than dead black people....George Floyd has proven that)
*However* my ONLY gripe here, is that Anthony Hopkins said (quote) "I want to pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman" then pretty much abandoned such a tribute.
Regardless of *why* he (and others) fawn over (the mediocre) Boseman is neither here nor there. Every time I've brought this up, EVERYONE proceeds to misunderstand what I'm saying (and start talking about Racism or Hopkins age)
For the record, I have no problem with Hopkins wanting to pay tribute to Boseman (or anyone else) my problem was that he expressed an interest to do such....but didn't?
Hopkins was fairly lucid (and coherent) throughout the rest of his acceptance's just the vagueness of his tribute that irked me (none of the obvious political reasons that warrant such tributes) only the fact that he said he would pay tribute (then promptly didn't)
Personally, I think Hopkins still has all his marbles and faculties .....Which makes his half-arsed tribute all the more baffling?
"Every time I've brought this up, EVERYONE proceeds to misunderstand what I'm saying (and start talking about Racism or Hopkins age)"
Hon, if everyone gets your point wrong every time, it's because you are failing to make your point perfectly clear. Sorry, but that's the logical conclusion.
As for what Hopkins did or didn't say, quite frankly, I don't think anyone but Hopkins himself can really make an informed comment on his motives or methods.
Saying "He was taken too soon" is hardly a tribute.
It's not that I'm failing to make a point, it's likely because everyone is clearly in denial of what constitutes a 'tribute' nowadays (or are just too jaded to recognize genuine sentiment, beyond fifth-hand, lazy platitudes?) I guess tributes aint' what they used to be, eh?
His was neither original, substantial or heartfelt.
I guess I expected more substance for the (usually) eloquent Hopkins...His declaration of intent to pay tribute to Boseman, was longer than said tribute.
You're a bit too worked up over this.
shareI know I’m now your sworn arch-nemesis, but to me it seems you’re a little too hung up on the word “tribute”. It’s just another way of Hopkins saying he would like to pay his respects. Really, it was a 39 second acknowledgment of his Oscar win, did we really expect him to launch off into a detailed eulogy for Boseman? You could even argue when he mentions he didn’t expect it at all that he was suggesting that he, like everyone else, expected Boseman to win.
I really thought it was a dignified statement from Hopkins. Not forced or unbelievably wrought, just humble and appropriate.
Boseman's family paid tribute to Anthony Hopkins:
I'm happy to hear that.