

Another MC poster that thinks he/she is funny but is instead a witless ass....


Yeah, there are a lot of jackasses on movie message boards.

But this Heche lady has been doing this public psychodrama for years, and after awhile, everyone gets a little jaded with it all.

C'mon, just read through the board. None of this really new.


Still no reason to make fun of someone near death....


I wouldn't make fun of her. But her behavior has created destruction, fires, and put others' lives at risk. If you had a family member killed by a drunk driver you might call this just desserts.

Seriously, our sick society takes some of the worst of the worst and gives them "celebrity privilege" and a license to do as they please.


If she had killed someone there would be less sympathy towards her. But she hasnt killed anyone. The lady whose house she destroyed will be quickly back on her feet. If she makes it through this I'm sure she will alsk make it better with a big settlement.


The destruction involved in the crash makes it a felony DUI and she deserves prison time. But law enforcement has a tendency to give celebrity a pass when they wreak havoc. This woman has gotten away with far too much for far too long.


Well if she survives she will get some kind of punishment..


Probably not. This happened in LA, and the LAPD doesn't like to make life difficult for celebrities!

I don't know how prosecutable this is, given an apparent pre-existing diagnosis of bipolar disorder. If she was off her head because of a known diagnosis, I have no idea whether she'd be considered fully responsible or not by a criminal court. Of a civil court, if she gets sued for burning down some one else's house.




You know I dont mind kidding around here on the site. But damn it's just cold when one makes fun of someone who is in critical condition and may die. Remember this thread next time you are in the hospital and a family member is ready to go....


Agreed, people are scum when they can hide behind their keyboards.


You just described 99 percent of twitter.


Yup. Such a toxic environment


Lol at those loudmouth trollbots getting all emotional πŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’“


You are the fattest troll around here...πŸ˜‚


Lordy Lord.. πŸ€©πŸ˜·πŸ™‰πŸ‘¨β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨


Well at least you dont deny it.

