MovieChat Forums > Mel Gibson Discussion > Howard Stern listens to Mel Gibson's (un...

Howard Stern listens to Mel Gibson's (uncensored) phone rants against Oksana Grigorieva


To this day, I see no wrong in what Gibson said. He's clearly intoxicated and/or over emotional (odd, that she has zero emotion in her voice) This woman is clearly remaining calm, because she knows this (private) conversation is being recorded. You can hear her go throw a checklist of topics (money, children, safety) in the full knowledge that she'll be selling it to the media outlets as soon as the phone receiver is put down.
As enraged as Mel may sound (to some) at very least he's honest and open and wears his heart on his sleeve. Any problems you think that Gibson has, are at very least front and centre (and can be worked upon) Whereas this woman is obviously sneaky, devious and agenda driven. I'll wager she's ranted and raved back at Mel in the past (unfortunately Gibson, was too trusting and decent to record/exhibit their private conversations)

Ironic that Stern (and that pointless shill Robyn) are sitting back, cackling (with their usual 'shit-don't-stink' demeanour) sating their own agendas (Stern clearly pissed at 'The Passion Of The Chris's movie) trying to further inflame what should have been a private matter. For all her perceived offence, I'm sure Robyn is aware that the highest numbers of rapes in America (proportionality speaking) are committed by blacks. But we all know that blacks don't like to talk about 'proportionality'....unless it bumps up the numbers to further their victimhood?

Mel was just highlighting what we all know, let alone think (and that crime statistics back up and confirm) in a conversation that (however unpleasant to some) should have remained private (or at very least, a matter for the police only)

Thankfully, the shit-stiring by Stern (and other 'offended' media outlets) clearly proved that this woman was a gold-digger....and come her day in court, was reflected upon in the eventual (almost paltry) 'monetary' award given out to her......


which black guy fucked your high school crush, and why does that still bother you?


No black guy fucked my 'high school' crush...But I have it on good authority (and crime statistics) that they tend to (forcibly) fuck lots of others on an all-too regular basis?


There is no excuse for that type of language and behavior. You justifying it is rather despicable. Had a black guy talked like that you would not be defending him. Get back on 4chan with your bigoted logic. You are polluting this site.


Wow...there seems to a lot of this (pious) "Go back to 4chan" retorts around here of recent (have Mormons infested 'Moviechat' of late?) But your (oh-so) caring deflection doesn't alter the fact that you don't, won't & can't refute any of the statistical evidence that blacks (despite their low proportionality) rape a hell of a lot of women...but I suppose that's my and Mel's and 'Slaverys' fault?

Your compassion is duly noted amigo (and let me be the first to congratulate you on being such a fantastic human being, free of any flaws, etc) Sorry if any statistical facts (or my 'language') made you clutch your 'pearl necklace' (metaphorical or otherwise) too hard?


I did not deflect I addressed your claim of excusing Mel Gibson's disgusting behavior. Notice how you deflect to stats and think it makes your case for you. Why does that pertain to me when I have never committed a crime in my life? Your bigotry is noted and dismissed. I do not support anyone doing wrong regardless of race. I do not look at a stat sheet and make my judgements about people off of that. It is quite simple no race is better than the other we are all people. We should be judged as individuals not generalized into a group based off of actions of others. Oh boy how that is not the case with you though. You think blacks are less than whites. Quite pathetic man.



Nope I will dismiss your bigotry. As a person of color I will not sink to your level. Do not worry though your mentality is dying out and is not long for this world. No race is superior to another that is just what you have been fed your whole life. Why can't you believe that? Are people mere statistics? How does that pertain to me? If I have never committed a crime does that apply to me? Do I deserve to be mistreated based off other people's actions?


As a person of color I will not sink to your level.

You're calling people bigots while using an idiotic term like "person of colour" that refers to 92% of the world's population and was designed to 'other' the 8% of people who are White.


When someone says blacks are lesser than whites I have the right to call them a bigot. Oh so you want me to call myself a black person? Would that make you feel better?


(quote) "Nope I will dismiss your bigotry. As a person of colour"

You speak of individuality...yet pigeonhole yourself as a (quote) 'person of colour' (what's the term 'BLACK' too hard to type out nowadays?)

(quote) "I will not sink to your level"

You (and your kind) sink far lower (on a daily basis) feel free to check out the news (it's ALL you seem to do...and little else?)

Exemplified by (Quote) "Do not worry though your mentality is dying out and is not long for this world"

Your likely getting worried that more (and more) of (quote) "My Kind" are waking up to your constant victimhood (and bullshit) which weak successive governments have given you a pass on throughout history? But thanks for wishing extinction of an entire subsection of people who are (justifiably) worried about 'people of colour'...whilst at the same time, preaching your pious "are people mere statistics" bullshit.

(Quote) "How does that pertain to me? If I have never committed a crime does that apply to me?"

Congratulations on not committing crime (here's 40 acres and a mule) but perhaps, instead of getting perma-offended by other people's words, opinions and comments (despite stats validating such) you actually get off your internet device and try stopping your (spiritual) brothers and sisters (of 'colour') from committing such atrocities on a daily basis...then I. or perhaps Mel Gibson or (quote) "My kind" wouldn't have such an instant distrust of you (and your kind?)

(Quote) "Do I deserve to be mistreated based off other people's actions?"

Please feel free to reiterate *this* sentiment (Ad nauseam) to your 'BLM" fraction of friends, that seem content to go through their (already pathetic) existences blaming ME (and my 'Kind') for slaves we've never owned and likewise 'slaves' you've never actually been?


Would me typing out black be of any difference? You knew what I meant. Okay then as a black person you happy?

Nope you do not get to lump me into a category based on what other people do. You should treat people individually based on their character not as a group. I do not do that to others therefore I expect the same in return.

No I am not worried. In movies we are getting far more representation than before and it is making you guys insecure and upset. This not going to change and will only continue to grow in the future. Diversity is the future and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Keep your praise, I did not ask for it nor do I want or need it. I do not expect anything for following the rules. I do however expect to be respected and not judged for what I did not do. You have no idea what I do in my personal time. I work a job, own my own house and do volunteer work for the community. I also try to encourage people to do things ethically and to be upstanding people of society. Never collected welfare, or food stamps in my life. I can only do so much. I am also not responsible for what illegal actions my race does. Just like how you are not responsible for what Mel Gibson does despite him being of your race. The fact that you excuse bigoted hateful behavior does not say a lot about you though. I would denounce a black person doing that if I saw it. You however downplay anything a white person does because it is part of your group.

Again what does that have to do with me? BLM are my friends because they are the same race as me? Where did I support BLM or blame modern day white people for slavery? Go ahead and prove that. I will wait.


(Quote) "Diversity is the future and there is nothing you can do to stop it"

Statistics (you know, those pesky truth-isms) prove (time and time again) that you can't even live amongst yourselves (without resorting to mass genocide) History (past and present) proves such...Should blacks ever become a mass majority, the world (realistically) has around 8 years (maximum) before you (literally) eat your own. God only knows, who you'll blame when that happens?

(Quote) ". I do however expect to be respected"

Throw another coin in the fountain. No-one owes you a thing (especially respect) Do you want mine?...tough shit, you ain't getting it (cry me a river, etc)

(Quote) "BLM are my friends because they are the same race as me? Where did I support BLM or blame modern day white people for slavery"

Great news, good for you, Bravo, please feel free to spend as much time and effort (as you have done here) reiterating this sentiment on the 'Spike Lee' or 'Jordan Peele' or 'Beyonce' MovieChat boards (better yet hammer home said sentiment on their actual Twitter accounts) they make (literal) millions from (unsubstantiated)race grifting (as opposed to me doing it for free and only having those aforementioned pesky stats to back up my opinions) please feel free to preach your 'you are a bigot" bullshit to those people (then feel free to post up screenshots of your righteous indignation for all to see)

(Quote) "I will wait"



Once that time comes we will talk. You will not be around to see it. There are exceptions to a statistic but your brain is too small to understand that. MLK's message is becoming a reality. I know those facts sting as well don't they?

I could not care less if you respect me. You threw out disrespect to begin with therefore I am no longer respecting you. I give the benefit of the doubt but it appears I should not have granted that to you.

Your concession is noted. Next time you want me to call out my race you need to do the same. Since you did not call out Mel Gibson's disgusting behavior you have no right to tell me to call out that behavior on that side. Your hypocrisy is noted and dismissed. Want to be stop now or be educated further?

I already denounced looting rioting, done by blm. Now it is your turn. Lets see you call out corruption by white people.



Your claim we never invented anything worth anything is easily debunked and dismissed.

We have established you are the bad guy, because you claimed blacks to be less than whites. Which is a racist comment. Notice you allow whites to say that but if a black person said that about their race you would come unglued. A racist claim is a racist claim regardless of what ethnicity the person is.

Nope you do not get to excuse Mel Gibson's comments and then call me a racist for not calling out others. See here is the worst part you openly excused his comments. I have the proof right here that you excused it. Cite where I have ever excused a racist comment from the people you listed. I will wait.


The fact that you have to cite someone else's opinions..rather than being able to quote off the top of your head a (vague) list of black inventions, speaks volumes. I've read articles like that before (none of them with real substance nor actual groundbreaking inventions either) just additions to pre-existing inventions.

You're also under the misconception that I (merely) excused Mel's remarks.

I not only excuse them...I agree with them.

And until (low proportionate numbers of blacks STOP committing high proportion of crime) I'll stick with this opinion...primarily because it's correct and based in reality.

The fact that you're not on record (anywhere else) claiming that perhaps Whoopi or Jordan or Spike or Beyonce, etc are equally as bigoted, goes against your own pious bullshit...not mine. Personally I couldn't care less what they say...but then again, i'm not portraying myself as a noble, fair-minded everyman (that detests racism in all forms) unlike YOU (and your aforementioned CV of saintlihood)

I'm a deeply flawed, nasty piece of work, shitbag villain bigot (we've already established that) I'm living up to my desired ethos...shame that you can't (won't and don't ) live up to yours?

Why you keep calling me 'racist' (as if it's either revelatory or even deemed an insult) is weird?

I know exactly what I am...and (more importantly) what YOU'RE not.

Buy a pair of ladders and get the fuck over yourself.


I figured I would cite proof because you would easily dismiss ones I know off the top of my head. Nope you do not get top excuse things simply because you dislike them. I cited a fact deal with it.

I rest my case. You agree with racist remarks. Where have I agreed with racist remarks?

Continue to judge people off of generalizations as opposed to judging them as individuals. Rather sleazy thing to do. Since that is the case I can play your game. I am more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist. Therefore police are worse than terrorists. I mean we are going off of statistics here right?

Nope you do not get to deflect. I never agreed with or excused comments made by them. You agreed with Mel Gibson's racist comments. I am not a bigot you are the bigot.

It is an insult. You are simply too ignorant to realize that it is a negative thing.

Get off this site and back on 4chan. That is where you belong.


Have a good cry about it.
I'm going nowhere (like it or lump it). Use your time to criticize all forms of racism (starting with those aforementioned celebrities) and post links to your criticism on this thread.

Until then, shut the fuck up.


I do not have to prove anything to you. I got you on record making racist remarks. So from here on out I can call you a racist. Your education was free today I will not charge you do not worry. Oh and just so you know if you violate the rules on this site you can be banned. So you might not want to use racial slurs or break the rules, tread lightly.


What racial slurs have I used?
I've cited how and why a large proportion of (your quote) 'My Kind' distrust black people. You haven't (and can't) refute any statistics I've cited.

i am a racist
(are you that dense not to have grasped that?)

I mention my racism (so that you can't pull your trusty race card) yet it still hasn't stopped you? Weak governments and self-hating whites usually back down once you pull that trusty race card....It's not happening here.

But that's how fucking pathetic you are...Someone announces themselves as a racist (for purely argumentative sakes) to prevent you from labelling them one anyhow....and you go ahead and waste time (and bandwith) on doing exactly that?
You are incapable of holding down a sandwich...let alone a job...and as for (quote) 'educating' anyone...Don't make me laugh.

Anything I've said about black people is backed up with statistics (the truth doesn't care about your feelings) If (indeed) I was some butthurt do-gooder (like yourself) I could take great offence in the many (quote) 'Racist' remarks YOU hae made) But I'm all for equality of opinion (even if you don't have one)

Plain and simple, you've been called out for being a hypocritical bitch...that only moans about 'hurty' remarks when white people say them. You had the perfect oppertunity to shoot this theory down, by citing one (singular) occasion where you've called out black celebrities (and their hurty remarks)

But you didn't.

And as for your (laughable) veiled threars of bannings, violations and offensive content...PLEASE feel free to report anything I've written to MC mods or the police (if you're so offended) Any lawyer worth half a shit, would laugh your snowflake ass out of court.

As I've said previously...Get the fuck over yourself, amigo. You're simply not important.


I never said you used a racial slur, I was warning you to be careful. You generalize which is not something you should do. You also have not and can't refute statistics I have cited lol. This goes both ways. You could not dispute the black people inventions I cited nor could you refute the statistics about police officers. So because of those stats about police officers according to your logic I have the right to hate them. I mean after all according to statistics I am more likely to be killed by them than terrorists.

Oh I am glad you are upfront and honest about it. I appreciate someone who is an honest racist as opposed to a cloaked racist. However I will still call you that as an insult because once I find out someone is racist all credibility or respect goes out the window. It demonstrates they are not worth listening to. It is cute when they think they are actually educated when they are the furthest thing from educated. I did educate you though since you claimed blacks did not invent anything worth anything. That was your claim and I disproved it. What claim have you disproved of mine? Oh yeah none! So you are getting educated from me not the the other way around.

Nope because you said blacks did not invent anything worth anything. That claim was proven wrong by yours truly. You are correct the truth does not care about my feelings nor yours which is why I cited the things blacks invented and you had no retort. I never refuted any stat which was true. So you can stop clinging and making accusations against me. If we want to stick to facts then lets do it. This means your claim about blacks not inventing things was incorrect.

Nope because I never backed up a racist comment based on anyone regardless of race. You however did. If you had got me on record backing up a racist remark form my race then you would have me dead to rights. Unfortunately for you, you do not have that. I am over myself it is you who needs an ego check.

Oh do not worry I will be watching. I have had people banned on here.


Black people haven't invented anything worth a shit (your article proves such)
The article claims a black guy invented a clock...based on a watch (that had already been invented) so (by your logic, he invented a larger pocket watch)


Another claim was a 'refrigerated truck'....despite the fact that someone else already had the decency to invent 'refrigerators' and 'trucks'

All the other (oh-so) amazing black inventions were usually covered up with compensatory word-salad like 'made advances in' (with no real actual inventions of their own) just additions to pre-existing inventions.

(quote) "Oh do not worry I will be watching. I have had people banned on here"

I bet you have...however your your argument (Or lack of) hold zero weight.

I'm soooooo glad you've revealed yourself to be a threatening cry-baby race-grifting bitch...who somehow seems proud that he reports people to mods (your TRUE colours have finally been revealed) Don't bother with your pious race-grifting and non-existent black inventions....stick to making vague threats of having people banned....that's the only thing you've actually said with conviction.

Keep up the good work (perhaps MOVIECHAT will award an 'affirmitive-action' scholarship for snitching?)


Also remember plenty of blacks did things which white people took credit for way back in the day. The point stands black people have invented things and that article proves as such. I can even link you to another one. I can keep going on for days with proof that we have done great things for society.

Oh I am proud to be keeping this place clean from racist bigots like yourself. Diversity is going up in America and I love seeing people like yourself squirm. Times are changing and MLK's words are becoming a reality. A shame that him being assassinated did not stop bigots like yourself from having their way huh? You will not be getting your way and I am loving every minute of it.

I intend to. Thanks for the loving words. Love you.


See....Thats the extent of your argument. You cite a (black-owned) internet article about 'black inventions' (that you clearly hadn't read yourself) and when it's pointed out that these inventions were (at best) additions to previous revelatory then deflect with 'whataboutisms' about whites stealing black inventions.


Your entire argument (and self-worth) shot down with one response....and you accepted such. You had the perfect oppertunity to shoot down my claims with a counter-argument...

...But you didn't.

Even your statistics about being shot by white cops is false (and/or laughable) White cops kill more white people year in year out. Do you know who kills more black people? (year in year out)

Black people.

Read up on statistics, you utter fucking idiot. Is it any wonder 'my kind' distrust 'your kind'....You're sooooo dishonest (to yourselves and basic facts) anything to fuel your agenda of constant victimhood.

The only thing you've convincingly that you've had people banned. That I can beleive. I'll wager they too exposed you for being the hypocritical, lying sack-of-race-grifting-shit that everyone (including yourself) know all too well?


Wrong you claimed a few which were preexisting but not all of them. Also you did not cite proof that these were not black inventions you merely asserted they were not. I also cited many black inventors/scientists which you willingly side stepped. Also your denial of people taking credit for things they did not invent is noted as well. Refrigerated truck is not the same thing as a refrigerator or a truck. He invented it whether you like it or not.

I shot down your argument by posting facts which you could not refute. Notice you did not even dare touch the wikipedia page. I could keep listing and citing facts but why bother? No amount of facts will convince a brainwashed ignorant person.

Comical irony alert! I said nothing about white cops I said cops period! Lol! Your entire premise gets dismissed because I said cops. See how your brain is automatically wired to go to that conclusion? Wow you truly are foolish. Comprehend what you read it will help you out. Yet I am the one lying here? Check yourself before insulting people!

Nope you have been exposed. Cite facts not assertions buddy boy. Also comprehend what you read.


The inventions you cited were additions to genuine inventions. I'm sure in the fullness of time, automatic doors on lifts would have been hit upon (regardless)

The invention of a clock came after someone had the genius to invent the actual timepiece beforehand.

Blacks get shot by cops, because despite being around 13% of the population, they commit well over 50% of all crime (these are the sort of stats you hate...because it points out your own hypocrisy)

I could make alterations to that page if I wanted to (hardly credible)

Blacks kill more blacks than whites kill blacks.

Look at all these shitholes like 'Haiti' or 'sudan' (hell, even Chicago) all shining examples on how diversity is such a strength (and we should import more of it) and apparently you want more of it. As previously stated, you need only look at places like see how blacks interact with their own.

You're a fucking joke.

Gotta go now...Got a REAL job to go to.

Go report my post (or something)


Nope not all of them existed before. Some of them were original inventions. It does not matter if the automatic doors would have been hit upon eventually the point is they did it.

Improving on an idea does not mean you should not get credit for it. Regardless you could not dismiss all of them. Your original claim was blacks have invented nothing worth anything. This is noted and dismissed.

Wikipedia is reliable you just do not like that it goes against your narrative. Your attempt to undercut it is dismissed.

I never talked about white cops therefore your narrative is noted and dismissed. I said cops period. You lost this point because you jumped to the conclusion that I said white cops.

Oh I will do not worry. Love you go make your money.




Strange hill to die on but I'm not surprised. The ism will not be contained, huh?


just admit you don't like black people...pretty simple. this whole "i'm not racist but facts dont lie" statement is clearly anti-black, like there's no way around that. lol. stop being a pussy and admit it.


I am a racist (and admitted such several times in this thread) Perhaps they've been deleted, due to 'Moviefanatic' openly boasting about having posts reported (and people banned)

I'm sick of black people's victimhood mindset. They kill each other (in far greater numbers) but still bleat on about 'Black Lives Matter' or 'Slavery' (which they conveniently forget they actually invented, sold their own into and still practice such to this very day) I'm sick of their constant moaning of the western world, as if they're being forced to live in it. Moviefanatic cited a list of (frankly pathetic) 'Black Invention's, that were (in reality) nothing really revelatory (and merely additions to pre-existing groundbreaking creations)...such as 'refrigerated trucks' or 'automatic doors on elevators' or 'clocks' opposed to actually inventing either the refrigerator or an automobile or elevators or actual timepieces? Moviefanatic (despite his protestations of being some kind of saintly do-gooder, professes to abhor racism of all kinds...yet only moans about it when white people cite those pesky crime statistics) The only thing 'Moviefanatic' said with any conviction (amid his 'shit-don't-stink' ramblings) was that he (quote) "Has had others banned from here" in the past (which he seems somehow proud of?) But primarily because the truth hurts.

So to recap, a fair majority of black people murder each other in far greater numbers, moan about slavery (despite their own kind starting it) and live in countries that neither want (nor need them) whilst constantly praising a 'spiritual Homeland'...that in reality, they'd never go live in. When left to their own devices in black ran countries and regions, they (literally) eat their own and genocide one another...and yet I (or even Mel Gibson) are supposed to give them a break for being roughly 15% of the population that commits over 50% of crime (usually against each other)

Please either refute what I've said or advise me on what's to actually like about them (I surely can't hate blacks nowhere near as much as they hate themselves...their History, crime statistics and overall demeanour, clearly prove this?)

Is that the answer you required?
Perhaps if enough voices like mine are silenced, then these inconvenient home-truths about black people will go away (or at very least) seem to (allowing blacks to pretend that none of the aforementioned facts are actually true?)

Anyhow, just bring on the (deflective) 'whataboutisms' (as per usual)


nice, i bet you feel a lot better now, lol.

i am wondering if you are american? i am not.


See, I go to great lengths to explain myself. I cite both stats and reasons....and your response is (quote) "Nice"

Anyhow, I'm British (and truth be told, never used to be racist)
But if being fed up of a malcontent (permantly-offended subsection, that daren't deal with their own faults, before blaming everyone else is 'Racist'....Then I guess I am?) Point out any home-truths to black people...and you're automatically labelled 'Racist' anyhow...I'm just beating them to the punch. Other than labelling people 'Racist'...they have little else to fire back with.

It's not as if I've merely typed the 'N' word and trolled everyone off...I've gave irrefutable reasons (and likewise this entire thread more time, effort and patience that it deserves)
Do I hate all black people?
No, just the hypocritical ones that take zero responsibility for their own actions or misdeeds.
I know far too many white hypocrites to single out one entire race. There's terrible people around the world of all creeds and colours....However, it's politically correct to only proportion blame to the white ones. If (dare I even get back on the topic at hand?) Mel Gibson said half of the garbage that Spike Lee says, he'd likely be in prison?

This whole narative of constant victimhood from Blacks needs to stop (lesst they be shackled by their own mental slavery, which will keep them 'oppressed' for eternity) Skin colur asside, I have one pre-requisite to actually 'like' someone......They must be 'likable'
I'm not seeing a great deal of likability from a race that refuses to acknowledge it's own origins in slavery....Kills it's own (year-in, year-out) on a huge scale, but bemoans that black lives matter....Who's very minority commits majority crime (in any country they reside in) Whilst castigating anyone that dare step outside of said, angry 'thug mentality' as a (quote) 'Uncle Tom'.....all the time complaining about some (non-existant) oppression that holds them back (despite societal laws prioritising/favouring them)

If you'd care to refute anything I've said...please do. If all you can do is merely resort to throwing around the 'racist-label'...Too late, I've already beaten you to it. I find that admitting to being 'Racist' (regardless if I am or not) cuts out around 70% of any responses around here....Because it's all anyone (unwilling or unable to refute the facts that I've laid out) have to fall back on?


Notice how you ignore the fact that cops key word cops are more likely to kill a person than terrorists are. So because we judge people off of generalizations all cops are terrible according to your logic. Sooner or later you will be off this site. I have reported you to the administrators on here. Enjoy your remaining days on here. Next time read up on a sites rules and realize when you violate the rules you can and will get banned. Learn to judge people as individuals not generalizations it will serve you good in life.


I'm baffled as to why you're actually proud of being a tell-tale snitch, running off to the mods/admin?
If I was telling lies about blacks and crime statistics (or their track record with slavery) or their (perceived) oppression....all you'd have to do is refute (and challenge) my stats....but you didn't (because you can't)
Tell me I'm wrong about black crime statistics...or Black-on-Black-crime...or the fact they sold their own as slaves, and still practice slavery to this very day?

You can't, so you keep shifting the narative (no-one is talking about the police...only you...because you can't refute my statistics) even if we were talking about the police...they still kill more white people (year-in, year-out..than they kill black people) Ironically, the biggest threat (year in, year out) to YOUR kind *is* YOUR KIND (let that sink in?)
I or Mel Gibson or everyone on planet earth, telling you this (or not) doesn't alter the fact that it's true. Moderators can't change the truth (as much as you'd like them to) and that pisses you off. But as I've said, you'd sooner just play the victim card and try get the truth silenced....and what's worse're actually proud of being a gutless coward?

Getting every truth you don't like, censored, won't alter the fact that it's the truth. You know it, I know it...and regrettably (for you) there's no moderaters in your head to run and cry, bitch you're just going to have to live with everything I've said (regardless if I'm banned or not) You could get everyone on MovieChat banned...and it wouldn't matter. I'm literally living in your head now (rent free) and it's a tenancy of YOUR making.

It's impossible to insult you, any more than you insult yourself.
You are truly pathetic. No made-up law, or mostly-peaceful-protest, or affirmative action or moderator can change that irrefutable fact (sucks to be you, eh?)


Statistics only tell part of the story not the entire story. Notice how you can't refute my stats about police. Facts are facts police are awful. Since we only go off generalizations that means cops a whole are evil. I'm not talking about race I'm talking cops as a whole.


No-one is bothered about your police statistics (not even you) you're just deflecting from the fact that everything I've said is true. So you keep moving the goalposts (from inventions to police) and now you're using the Cop-Out excuse of (quote) "Statistics only tell part of the story not the entire story" (Ha-Ha)

Everytime I highlight how bad black statistics keep deflecting with "well police kill more people than terrorists do" like that is in any, way, shape or form pertinent to debate at hand. No one is asking you to make generalisations or parallels to anything. You had the chance to refute my initial comments and you didn't (and couldn't) Notice that no-one else has come to your defence and pointed out that my stats are wrong...No-one (not even you) so instead you try deflect with 'notice how...' bullshit, that's fooling no-one. You're clearly just wasting bandwidth (as you likewise do 'oxygen' in real-life) you are silly....end of.

Why on earth are you even replying to me, you utter cretinous snitch?

You keep saying shit, like (quote) "Sooner or later you will be off this site. I have reported you to the administrators on here. Enjoy your remaining days on here" but follow it up with "So tell me this" (as if we're just two people having a conversation)
That's how utterly DENSE (and backward) you are (you are walking, talking proof of everything I've said in this thread)


Clearly you are the one who is upset. I'm as calm as a cucumber Right when I mentioned cops you assumed I was specifying white cops when I said no such thing. This illustrates your brain pattern and how it lacks focus. Can you measure an NBA game by only looking at statistics without watching the game? Yes or no? Let's see how educated you are. Your brain jumps to race immediately. So your comments about cops killing blacks is dismissed. I never mentioned race I mentioned cops in general. Keyboard warriors are funny. Their brain can't comprehend what they read which is why you jumped to race when I mentioned cops. You need help I suggest you get it. I can link you to some self help if you are interested. I think you need help before you cause yourself or someone else harm.




"To this day, I see no wrong in what Gibson said. He's clearly intoxicated and/or over emotional (odd, that she has zero emotion in her voice) This woman is clearly remaining calm, because she knows this (private) conversation is being recorded. You can hear her go throw a checklist of topics (money, children, safety) in the full knowledge that she'll be selling it to the media outlets as soon as the phone receiver is put down.
As enraged as Mel may sound (to some) at very least he's honest and open and wears his heart on his sleeve. Any problems you think that Gibson has, are at very least front and centre (and can be worked upon) Whereas this woman is obviously sneaky, devious and agenda driven. I'll wager she's ranted and raved back at Mel in the past (unfortunately Gibson, was too trusting and decent to record/exhibit their private conversations)"

Agreeds, seagal. if everyones private conversation was record and broadcast, we would all be cancel hahahahahhahaha! this is such devious, betray.

that womans was nothing but troubles. i dont know why he bother with her, she uglies. he had good chemistry with patsy kensit in lethal weapons 2. should be with her.


Stern is jew. of course he hate mel gibson. but gibson makes good movie and stern has only radio show so gibson win.

jew control media, control bank, control world. gibson say words and get blacklist because anti-jew. we deprive of good film because jew hate gibson. maybe gibson change name to matthew brokerick. he kill someone and not get blacklist but gibson do? not fairs. i hate zack galifiaickis.
