MovieChat Forums > Jodie Foster Discussion > How can a child act well as a child pros...

How can a child act well as a child prostitute

In 1975 Jodie was offered the role of prostitute Iris Steensma in the movie Taxi Driver (1976). This role, for which she received an Academy Award nomination

It's clear she had no idea what she was doing, and the director told her what to do ... which is not acting.

Now, why would the academy select that role for attention?


Yeah just like when Linda Hunt won for playing a Chinese-Australian man with dwarfism. All reports suggest she’s not even a Chinese-Australian man with dwarfism AND she had a director telling her what to do. Acting schmacting.


How old was she? How much acting experience did she have? Do you think about anything you say at all?



but Foster was acting in Taxi Driver, and assertions to the contrary are not what I would call products of deep thought.
