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Has Nothing to Do with Suri

His own daughter.

Apparently because she's not a Scientologist, and is a 'Suppressive Person', he's cut her off.

But it makes me wonder if its more than that.

Perhaps he isn't the biological father.

Maybe she was an IVF baby with another man's sperm.

Lets not forget, Cruise couldn't get Nicole pregnant and he had to adopt two kids with her.


Seems like he's doing her a favor. He is an absolute douchebag when the cameras aren't trained on him. His last three wives all fell for the same trap: handsome, rich, famous actor who's charming at first, but the moment you get to see his true self, he turns out to be a monster. Even sadder, they all thought "they could change him for the better," and learned otherwise. The lengths Katie Holmes went through to escape him were very alarming, and I think she was very clever at escaping him and his evil cult's clutches. Suri will grow up a happier and more sane person as a result.


The Crummy Mummy Campaign a few years back presented evidence that Katie Holmes herself is also blocking contact. Could be mutual dysfunction on both sides here


Actually the story is a little more complicated than that. First, Katie Holmes has never done anything to stop him from seeing Suri. She's actually encouraged him to do so. Second, he wants to see Suri.
Since Katie and Suri have been declared SP (Suppressive Person) by Scientology, he is not permitted to make contact. He has asked for permission to do so. Since he is so important to Scientology, they considered allowing him to do so.
Here's where things get really crazy. Others within Scientology have been complaining: if he can see his family, why can't we see ours?
It's become a PR nightmare for them. Many have been asking for the same privilege which goes against the teachings. Causing many to rethink their opinions, triggering some to leave Scientology.
So being a "Good Scientologist" he has been abiding by the rules until a decision has been made.


What makes you think that he wants to see her and is seeking permission?

And how could a child be declared Supressive?


He stated a while back that he would like to see her. Compared himself to a “soldier at war”. The rest of the story came from others who got out.

if you leave Scientology you are declared an SP. Katie took her out therefore she is an SP.

BTW: Don’t think for a second I agree with or support his decision. I’m of the opinion that if he really wanted to see her then he would dump the Scientology mess and do it. But he has decided to stay.


I know Katie is an SP...but Suri?


Did a quick look. My mistake.
Suri is considered a "Potential Trouble Source or PTS" because seeing her would put Tom in a position where he would have to deal with Katie Holmes who is an SP. Scientology wont allow him to be put in a position of recognizing her authority. Still causing them all sorts of headaches since they had considered giving him an exemption.


Cruise and his daughter seemed to have a healthy relationship up until 2012. When Holmes unexpectedly filed for divorce, she was awarded custody of Suri, with her dad securing visitation rights only. Cruise was told he could visit his daughter 10 days a month – not that it made any difference.

It’s widely believed that Cruise is currently estranged from Suri, and that the last time they were photographed together was back in 2012, when the two visited Disneyland.

They've had nothing to do with him since a decade ago just after the divorce filing. I would say she was the one that doesn't want him to see her as she was trying to keep her away from Scientology and he's still in it therefore he cannot see her. Everything else is hearsay unless seen together in some photograph.
