MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > He's fifty-eight years old.

He's fifty-eight years old.

He will be sixty in less than two years.

And still pairing himself with hotties in their twenties onscreen. Give it up, ya old fool!


Stfu fatty...


I know you are, but what am I?


Fat. Usually younger people who hate on healthy older people are fatties.

You really should exercise. I do everyday and am in excellent condition. Eating potato chips and sitting on the couch all day being jealous of Tom Cruise isnt healthy.


Who said I'm younger than Cruise?

And if you want to get into childish insults, then you're the FATTY FATTY TWO BY FOUR COULDN'T GET THROUGH THE HUGE BARN DOOR. Pthbthbthb!!


I knew you were fat. Lmao...😂😂

You should try a mostly veggie and fruit diet like myself with the occasional seafood or chicken breast. Than you can look as young and fit like Tom and myself...


Don't you get sick of eating tasteless veggies


Nope not really. Plus I eat tasty fruit all the time. I also eat sugar free peanut butter and jelly. There are a ton of different healthy food try. The biggest thing is try to stay away from processed sugar and products that contain a lot of processed sugar, keep a low saturated fat free diet etc. It gets easier as time goes by. I have a very low body fat. It's way better than eating crap all day.


I eat crap all day and I'm fit with low body fat. Once doesn't need to suffer to stay pretty.


Depends how old you are. That becomes less true over the years.


I'm 50, and so far so good. Same weight, and waist-size, today as when I was 20. TBH I think it's 99% genetics. I see massive landwhales rolling around on their motor scooter chair things and realize that no amount of eating and not exercising will ever get me to that point.


Well no. But there is a thing call "skinny fat" basically not a huge fat guy but a skinny guy with love handles and some belly fat. I was never huge only 15 pounds over my max bmi. I am now below my high school weight and more toned than ever at the age of 50. Pretty fit as well. I do have back issues though but I manage and can still work out like always. I will ride it as long as I am able.


You're 50 and on here saying "stfu fatty"?? Wow. Not to be rude but isn't that a bit beneath you at your age?


No. Never. Someone named Stinkypoopypants should understand this...😂
Getting older should not make us softer.


Lol! Well, it's a family account and my then 8 year old son came up with the name so I can still say I am more mature than you! 😁 Just kidding.

I thought about changing it but it helps me to keep track of what they're writing on here as well.

And no, it should not make us softer but it should make us wiser and perhaps think a bit before we type?

Anyway, you are a good sport and I appreciate that about you :) So many people on here can dish it out but can't take it.


Well really what is maturity. Definitely not this thread. Hence my fatty comments....😂


Lmao! You take care Galactus03 :)


You sound fucking annoying. I have 20 years to go before I reach your age, but I hope I'm not as insufferably insecure and hooked on viagra and supplements as you are when I'm 50

Nobody gives a shit about your BMI or your workouts. Can't think of anything more gross than a middle-aged guy bragging on the internet about how he's in better shape than younger people. It reeks of insecurity

Aging is not a bad thing if you spent your years gaining wisdom. If you didn't then you'll spend your old age chasing the youth that you will never get back. I guess you're the latter type of old geezer, but don't worry, I'm sure if you do enough stomach crunches then it'll make you less of an old dork


You wont be insecure. You will be a fatass. If not already. 30 to 50 is a short time. Aging is not a bad thing it just is. But some people age badly because they dont give a shit or dont want to change their lifestyle.
You won't be using supplements. You will probably still be drinking beer, eating pizza sitting on a recliner with a pot belly. Which is ok if that is what you want. Wisdom indeed....😂😂😂😂

I can't think of anything more gross than a person who continues to stuff their face with shit into their 50's contributing to the obesity epidemic....

Good luck with your Stilted wisdom...


"massive landwhales" This is terrible but funny 🤣


What else can you call those people rolling around on their fat-carts?


I worked at Target part time for a while and one of our regulars was like that. She was HUGE, probably 500-600lbs if not more, and would always buy the same thing, every other day or so. Ice cream, cookies, chips, diet coke, various candies, frozen ready to eat meals like those Hungry Man dinners, and all sorts of other things like that. And she paid with her EBT card (food stamps for people on welfare or disability).

I was always friendly to her and one day she started talking to me about her life. She lived alone, no family left at all in her life, no friends except for her cats and after struggling for years to lose weight she just gave up. She said she just wants to enjoy the life she has left and eat whatever she wants. Sad.


That is sad, even more so if that became her life after she lost everything else. Even if not, I feel bad for people who seem unable to care for themselves. I'm sure there are many reasons people end up that fat, but I suspect the most common cause is a lack of good parenting. They never learned to be adults.

Just today I was noticing how many morbidly obese people there are, and how it seems like there are more of them than there are fit people, and remembering how rare it was to see someone that fat even 25 to 30 years ago. Something has definitely gone wrong, and until I come up with a better reason, I'm blaming the parents of children born in the past 40 years or so.


She said she had struggled with her weight since she was a child so I don't think not having family or friends lead to her obesity but it certainly didn't help her to feel motivated. But, I didn't want to delve into it with her at work either for obvious reasons :)

You can blame the parents for some of it for sure. But I believe it is also because of how easily available terrible food is. Fast food places are everywhere and many parents are working so many hours to support their kids that fast food runs are easier than home cooked meals. Portion sizes are bigger, people can easily become obese. It's sad and you're right, it has become worse and almost the norm.


You sound not fun lmao


Depends what one calls fun. I do lots of fun stuff. I dont consider eating fun..


Fair point


Eating is actually a lot of fun and one of life's greatest joys but like most things, should be done conscientiously. I'm actually thin, btw.


Sure. For many people. But unfortunately most that view it as a pleasure eat too much.


You need to see how much fat is in peanut butter. It's garbage. I mean, I love it, but it's not good for anybody.


There is about 200 calories in two tablespoons of peanut butter. Yeah it has a lot of natural fat. But as long as its sugar free it's not that bad for you. I ear the organic sugar free stuff once in awhile. The trick is dont eat too much. Even eating peanuts in the shell are loaded with fat. But they are very healthy for you.


FYI you can cook vegetables so they're not tasteless.

Last night I made corn and lima beans, which is boring on its own, but not if you add a smidgen of butter, powdered garlic, and red pepper!


You should eat that all the time.😂




Omg, months later and this whole thread still cracks me up.


Thank you, dahling!

I do my best not to take the trolls and assholes seriously.



Yeah I'm laughing at my comments 8 months later.....😃


I love you as well Galactus03! You make me smile 😁


Sure you can, but unless their as a side dish to an equally tastily cooked piece of meat, it's not a satisfying meal.


I'm a vegetarian, but not one who will harangue you about it. This was a side dish to a bean-and-cheese burrito with chili verde sauce, which was a hearty and satisfying winter dinner.


Give me bacon or give me death!

But no, I get you. I couldn't do it, but I have no issue with anyone who does.




Sitting around waiting to defend Tom Cruise for the Scientologists is kind of creepy.


He did get you though. Shallow in the mirror.


This whole thread is hilarious!


Lol yes, it was a fun read. Keep it going guys!


Which ones are in their 20s? the likes of Rebecca Ferguson and Haley Atwell are late 30s .. and Jennifer Connelly is almost 50


Well, the last film I saw of his he was paired with Annabelle Wallis, a beauty who was 32 when the film was made, but who looked 25. Of course he looked even more like a mole than ever, because aging does bring out any resemblance a person has to an insectivore, and they looked ludicrous together.


that whole movie was (and im sure TC would agree) a big mistep. aside that im trying to think of any other movies where hes had the way too young for him female co star. maybe the Reachers? but then both female leads were were into their 30s (as we know over 40s women in romantic or potentially romantic roles is still abit of a rarity)


I enjoyed The Mummy and think it's underrated. It's not nearly as good as the '99 film, but then again, not many movies are. Judged on its own merits, it's a solid adventure-horror movie.

In fact, it's one of the few films I own on 4K Blu-Ray.


The Mummy is on my list. I just watched The Invisible Man a few nights ago and wow. That was an awesome movie! Very well done. If you haven't watched it yet I very highly recommend it 😊


The Mummy (Cruise Edition) I really think is an underrated film. As I said, the '99 film is much better. But at the same time this one is certainly entertaining and well-made. I'm not sure why it didn't go over better when it was released. I think a lot of people had already decided they didn't like it before they saw it.

I started The Invisible Man a few months ago, got halfway, paused it and then never went back. Perhaps I will try again.


Well, I haven't watched it yet but I am definitely going to. I have so many films I'm catching up on, lol. Wish I had more time! 😊

I would definitely advise you to give it another try. It's well worth it even if it feels like it starts slow.


Never speak of Jennifer Connelly's age to me. It's rude.


LOL. Sadly her looks have turned over the years. There's Young Jennifer Connelly and Older Jennifer Connelly. Not the same person.

She's still attractive but her face has taken on a more hardened, masculine quality.


Jennifer Connelly's post-Oscar interview was one of the greatest I've ever seen.


Cruise has never been with Jennifer Connelly. She's been with Paul Bettany for almost twenty years.


Aren’t we talking as co-stars, not real life relationships?


You haven't been paying attention.

He hasn't done this in years.

Even in his second Jack Reacher movie, he deliberately plays against the expectation that he's going to mack on the female lead.

I was always impressed that Stallone similarly stopped trying to pair up with younger females in his movies when he started making the Expendable movies in his early 60s. It would have been icky.


What a creep


sorry, but no one is PAYING to see "older hotties" on the screen. the box office receipts drive this, not tom cruise. this should be kinda obvious.


I thought Tom Cruise was in charge of everything. He can use his vast thetan levels to manipulate the space-time continuum.


he can't make me lust after older women compared to young hotties. I vote with what's in my pants... my wallet :D


NO. TC is NOT in charge of everything in his movies.


But he did not.

SO, other people have input.


My understanding is that Tom Cruise does not agree to make your movie unless he's granted certain privileges - like okaying every world of the script, co-star approval, a budget for all his luxuries, permission to flood the set with stooges from his cult, etc. Cruise does not pay for all the movie expenses, he requires the movie studio to pay all his vast expenses or no deal!

It will be interesting to follow his post-pandemic career, because with the shift from theaters to streaming, the day of the tentpole blockbuster is over and movies have to be made for lower budgets. There's going to be no room for actors who cost a shit-ton of money and who don't bring in the cash in return, just ask Johnny Depp.


It will be interesting to follow his post-pandemic career, because with the shift from theaters to streaming, the day of the tentpole blockbuster is over and movies have to be made for lower budgets. There's going to be no room for actors who cost a shit-ton of money and who don't bring in the cash in return, just ask Johnny Depp.

maybe more reason why he sounded so angry frustrated, the whole industry is changing into something other than the traditional cinema going and mega budget productions for 2hr movies with movie stars etc (it was getting that way anyway.. but covid is fast tracking whatever is happening with streaming)


These are trying times for us all, we've all had our 2020 cranky moments!

But yeah, we've all got challenges and his are a little different than the rest of us, I can't say I feel sorry for the mega-wealthy Cruise in a world where so many are being thrown out of work, but I do realize that 2020 is probably affecting his career seriously. For the last decade at least his stock-in-trade has been the big-budget blockbuster laden with expensive CGI, and the whole business model that allowed for the production of those films may have gone bye-bye in a world where streaming is taking the place of movie theaters.

So yeah, I'm curious about what's next for him.


i think thats one of (or maybe the main) reasons hes doing the space movie (and that was in place b4 any covid), like a last ditch attempt to stay relevant as a huge movie star that ppl would flock to theatres to see as the days of the above the title A-list movie star are seemingly drawing to a close (not just for him but all of them). also its why he was doing increasingly outlandish stunts in the MI movies - to keep getting ppl to the movie theatres to see his films as they know its him doing the stunts (obviously that was never a thing in the tv show but it does make a good deal of sense there would be crazy impossible stunts/situations in a series called 'Mission Impossible')


I meant in charge of everything in the universe. He's like a Wizard of the Fifth Ring in Scientology.


Yo Tom, much respect playa. Looking great at 58!


This thread will age badly.


the late Anthony Quinn fathered a child with a 20 something year old lover back in the 90s so I don't think Tom's anywhere near the age to be questioning his pairings, especially since they're onscreen and fictional.
