How would you evaluate his horror filmography?
Someone's Watching Me! is an alright made-for-tv Rear Window-esque thriller-horror. Nothing special but for the time it was made and the budget and censorship they were working with it's fine.
Body Bags, Village of the Damned, Vampires, Ghosts of Mars and The Ward are all varying degress of mediocre. I do find Ghosts of Mars to be dumb fun if you're in the mood for it and The Ward is perfectly fine just a bit plain. Vampires has a few decent moments. Nothing special amongst this bunch though.
They Live is a good movie. I consider it an action sci-fi movie rather than a horror, but it's tagged as one.
Prince of Darkness is a bit flawed but has some cool stuff going on. I thought it was quite creepy at times, the music was cool too. It's just a bit uneven, I don't care for the characters, it takes a little while to get going and it feels a bit silly at times.
In the Mouth of Madness is interesting. A good concept and it's executed fairly well. Not his best work but still a good movie.
Christine is a very good movie. Great FX for the car. One of the better Stephen King adaptations.
The Fog is great. I love the OST, it has great atmosphere, I love the location, a good cast and Cundey's photography is great. The whole concept is fairly interesting and unique. The only criticism I have of it is that it's pacing is a tad sluggish at times, especially earlier on.
Halloween is a special movie for me. I love slashers and this is one of the better ones, I do feel it's a bit overrated (it hogs all the limelight and several fanboys act like it's leagues ahead of every other slasher in existence). I think some of the sequels such as Halloween II and Halloween 4 aren't far off it. With some of the slashers that came in it's wake matching it.
The Thing is great. An action packed sci-fi horror with plenty of gore. Still I find it overrated and prefer the 2011 prequel (better pacing, better characterizations, better acting from the lead). I've never cared for any of the characters in this aside from MacReady, but it's action packed and has a cool concept with strong production values.