David Cronenberg vs John Carpenter. Film by film.
Pretty simple premise. Both have directed almost exactly the same amount of feature films. Both are staples of '70s/'80s genre. Chronologically film by film. Which film do you prefer?
Stereo or Dark Star
Crimes of the Future or Assault on Precinct 13
Shivers or Halloween
Rabid or Someone's Watching Me
Fast Company or Elvis
The Brood or The Fog
Scanners or Escape From New York
Videodrome or The Thing
The Dead Zone or Christine
The Fly or Starman
Dead Ringers or Big Trouble in Little China
Naked Lunch or Prince of Darkness
M. Butterfly or They Live
Crash or Memoirs of an Invisible Man
eXistenZ or Bodybags
Spider or In the Mouth of Madness
A History of Violence or Village of the Damned
Eastern Promises or Escape From L.A
A Dangerous Method or Vampires
Cosmopolis or Ghosts of Mars
Maps to the Stars or The Ward