MovieChat Forums > Sandra Bullock Discussion > Married to a Nazi sympathizer

Married to a Nazi sympathizer

She had to know of her ex husband's racist proclivities, it may be easy to hide infidelity from your wife but not bigotry.


What Nazi sympathizing? I must have missed that.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


- He had a Nazi mistress
- his ex wife is married to a skinhead
- he loves and defends the Confederate Flag
- loves referring to himself as "Mighty Whitey"
- proudly declares his children as "Aryan" looking


Well she was just in a movie with not one black voice actor and only 5 black, non-speaking, characters added in the final cut, which was set in 1968 during the MLK assassination and following unrest.

She had to notice that she was surrounded by only white actors.
She must see the near complete lack of inclusion of black people in the final movie cut.

I don't understand why she would be a part of or not fight for more inclusion especially given she is raising a black son.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


What movie are you talking about? She is not the director and has no authorities on the casting choice.


The confederate flag is okay. People are only mad because of that stupid kid posing with it.


She has the ability to walk away when she noticed the lack of inclusion.

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.


The confederate flag is okay.
No, it isn't. It's a symbol of slavers, racists, and traitors.
People are only mad because of that stupid kid posing with it.
No, that's not why. Are you a liar, or just stupid?

WORDS MEAN THINGS! Also, before you come to bitch about a plot hole, rewatch the show/movie.


No, that's not why. Are you a liar, or just stupid?

I'd like to add the extra option of ignorant.
They did a survey and found that the more a person supported that flag the less they could answer any questions about the Civil War period, the history of the South or that flag.

They couldn't name any major battles of the Civil War or any Generals other than Lee.

Lack of education and misinformation.
They returned to making a year of American history and another 2nd year of American government or American history to our Missouri highschool curriculum this year. Can you believe it was ever removed? I couldn't...

How to create an atheist: read the bible twice cover to cover.
