Supposedly, women in particular who suffer from a mental illness have a hard time maintaining a relationship. I know that her parents had a turbulent marriage, so it’s possible that she doesn’t know how to recognize a good partner because her father wasn’t a good husband to her mother.
This last guy was a good partner for her. She just needed a sucker to pay off her debts and this old fool did it to the tune of $200k. She threw him out because she didn't need him anymore. The most expensive piece of 50+ year old ass ever.
Of course I don't know, that's why I'm speculating in the very first place! And there must be a damn good rationale or explanation for why Pamela has as I alluded to prior, has had such a hard time maintaining a relationship. Why do you have to accuse people of being "libelous" for simply insinuating what should otherwise be kind of apparent or obvious!? You don't get married and divorce five times in your life (with her latest marriage ending after only 12 days) and not be be well-adjusted.
I don't really care about her private life, I lost interest after that home video I saw of Tommy Lee trying to attack her with an anaconda.
Ok, take out the world libelous and replace it with gossipy. Call it whatever you like, mental health is a very serious issue and without really knowing anything about this woman's situation or life experiences (other than what you have amassed from the internet - and we all know how reliable that is!) it's just unpleasant to play guessing games about her mental health because of her relationship history.
The bottom-line is whether you want to accept or admit it or not, is that Pamela is a person with who has too many childlike impulsive tendencies (like her marriage to Jon Peters, or the move to France). Does that necessarily mean, that she has an out and out mental illness, I don't absolutely know. But it's foolish to not think that there could be a possibility or chance that it isn't into consideration. She seems to be a woman who when you get right down to it, is dangerously emotionally damaged, undereducated, and extremely easily manipulated by men. Pamela also strikes me as the typical animal rights-type (see also Brigitte Bardot or Kim Basinger) where their compassion towards animals is over-the-top and their compassion towards humans (including children) is non-existent or tepid at best.
Then why is there a message board dedicated to her on MovieChat!? What is there else to talk about if you think that it's inappropriate and "not our business" to talk about someone's personal life?
I don’t know - her movies or acting perhaps? If you want the truth I find 90% of what’s written on these profiles to be asinine at best and downright mean-spirited at worst.
Anyway, I don’t want to derail your thread. Hopefully someone can offer something that sheds light on Pam’s mental health, and hopefully you will never be discussed in this manner because I can’t imagine it would be a pleasant experience.
The last time that I checked, Pamela Anderson is a public figure and not exactly anonymous. And I wouldn't exactly be bringing this up if she didn't recently marry Jon Peters (their fifth marriages respectively) only to split up with him after 12 days.