" what the fuck was I doing working with Woody Allen and Roman Polanski? It’s unbelievable to me now how those men were held in such high regard, so widely in the film industry and for as long as they were. It’s fucking disgraceful. And I have to take responsibility for the fact that I worked with them both. I can’t turn back the clock. I’m grappling with those regrets but what do we have if we aren’t able to just be fucking truthful about all of it?"
That is such flavour-of-the-week activism. She was working with Polanski in 2011 and Allen in 2017. That's LONG after the knowledge of their controversies occurred. What's more, this isn't Kate Winslet, out of work actor, hungry for work, looking for a prestigious director and project, this is Kate Winslet, winner of the Academy Award, a BAFTA, Emmy, Golden Globe, etc., etc.
She wanted to work with the most talented directors, was excited by the projects, and didn't give a darn about their respective sins (or accusations). She did the job, got what she wanted, and now she's trying to do a mea culpa because Hollywood types are going after people for their past "transgressions".
I don't buy it. She knew what she was doing and she's not really sorry now, and that's just being f---ing truthful about all of it.
What do you think she would look/sound like if she was, in fact, remorseful?
Suppose someone did do all the things you said (for the sake of argument). Then, for whatever reason. . .slow accretion of awareness, simple guilt, reflection, pivotal life experience, Whatever. . .they realized they had f'd up ROYALLY, and wanted to own it, and let it be known?
What would that look/sound like?
I ask because it seems like, if that ever really Did happen, that individual would quickly be shouted down/pilloried by people who simply refused to believe them.
Which, come to think of it, may be why some of them keep their mouths shut. . .
You're right; that's a fair point. I will amend my statement accordingly.
It comes across as disingenuous to work with them and then retract it later. It's odd particularly because of the circumstances. If she was an unknown actress or somebody whose star had waxed and waned already, I would understand why she would swallow her morals and clutch after fame and fortune - only to later realise that it wasn't worth it. It's also odd because both men's accusations are long in the past and common knowledge. It's not like she wouldn't have known. Polanski had already pleaded guilty and Allen's accusations happened in the late '80s/early '90s. This would seem different if, for instance, she had worked with somebody like Kevin Spacey back in the day and hadn't realised it.
It is impossible to tell if she does regret it or if she's just a fair-weather-friend; the circumstances seem to belie a cunning intent.
Ultimately, though, I see you point and recant my earlier vitriol. She might regret it, indeed, truly and sincerely.
Then she should keep it to herself (or her confessor) and suffer the consequences of this new order that she apparently accepts blindly. At all events, I don't believe one word of it.
I completely agree with you about this. She is like Rose McGowan who worked with that POS Harvey Weinstein and now claims to be the queen of #MeToo. Disgusting and hypocritical.
It does appear that way. Although, as seen above, I have recanted and said that it looks bad, but I can't 100% know she's a hypocrite as she might legitimately be sorry.
Either way, I might just go watch Wonder Wheel tonight.
For Woody Allen I give her a pass because there were only allegations. He wasn't indicted, wasn't convicted, and certainly didn't flee the country to avoid prison.
There's no excuse for working with Polanski though.
A pass for Allen ? No one should be ashamed for having worked or working with Allen. The guy wasn't convicted of anything, was not even accused and the whole story is so sleazy, looks so much like a vengeance from his ex. People are just super coward because of Metoo and his new god Dylan Farrow.