MovieChat Forums > Woody Allen Discussion > Woody Allen AND Mia Farrow are both weir...

Woody Allen AND Mia Farrow are both weirdos

... which is why its impossible to tell who is telling the truth here.

The children (the ones that haven't committed suicide) obviously had messed up childhoods due to being entangled with these two manipulative but very well-connected famous people.

Even Ronan Farrow, seemingly the most stable one (the one with a media career, anyway), has questionable parentage and a personal brand that is associated with sexual assault in Hollywood.

Allen may have done it, but Farrow might just as easily be lying. The opportunity for police and psychologists to prove the truth has long passed.


Whether Allen did it or not but there where telltale signs of sexual corruption going on in the film industry.



Both sides on this argument seem to think that pointing out that Allen is creepy and Farrow is crazy proves their case. Well, Farrow can be crazy and still be right about what happened, and Allen can be as creepy as fuck-all and still tell the truth at times. Saying that someone is creepy or crazy or obviously an awful human being doesn't prove they're lying.

Because yeah, Allen and Farrow do seem to be horrible people, and we'll probably never know the truth.


Excepting two police investigations as well as one of the most prestigious advocacy centres for children all cleared Allen. As for Ronan Farrow's "stability". He's clearly a momma's boy replete with all the Oedipal connotations. The Yale New-Haven Centre for Child Sexual Abuse found Dylan was making stuff up.

They clearly found Mia was coaching her and found no credible evidence of anything denoting sexual abuse.

Moses Farrow has stated there is no "room" where the "rape" is supposed to have taken place. He said the train is in another room altogether and that room is very much in a public area of the house. He said Dylan always liked to make stuff up.

During the most contentious part of the accusations, Farrow allowed Allen to use a portion of her work in "Hannah And her Three Sisters" in a Golden Glob retrospective. She had to sign a release to allow that footage to be used. Why sign the release if supposedly you think your ex molested your kid?

Finally, here is corroboration from a former friend of Farrow's who more or less backs up what Moses had to say:

The only one coming off as a nutbar is Farrow and her sycophantic brood. Certainly the ones who escaped Camp Farrow are the only sane ones.


Allen dated a 16 year old model when he was 41.


The girl that Mia Farrow had threesomes with...
