MovieChat Forums > Marilyn Monroe Discussion > Movies/TV that have referenced MM.

Movies/TV that have referenced MM.

___Down through the years many TV programs and films have referenced Marilyn in some fashion. Watching an old Clifton Webb movie last night reminded me of this.
1. For Heaven's Sake 1950. While earthly angel Webb plays the harp, the camera scans his very earthly reading materials, including Art Magazine, a cutie magazine that features MM on the cover. The camera does a double take on her. Webb and Monroe were real life friends.
2. I Love Lucy 1951-1960. MM is referenced a handful of times, and Lucy does a parody impression.
3. Unknown army film 50's. A photo from LOTC is uses as a girl back home.
4. Pepe 1960. A LIfE magazine cover from SLIH is used.
5. The Apartment 1960. A girl is pushed to be dated as she lookes just like MM.
6. Dick Van Dyke 1961.laura changes her hair color and MM us referenced twice.
7. A Patch Of Blue 1965. Shelley Winters references MM when talking about her blind daughter.
8. Valley Of The Dolls 1967. Marilyn's voice from the SGTG pool scene in the pool scene of Patty Dukes husbands affair.
___I'm sure there are many others I may not remember or have never seen, anyone else?



So glad you mentioned MM's laugh and splashing from "SGTG" inserted into "VOTD." Very few people realize that! Her name was everywhere, and even after her death--I mean the first few years--she was still referenced in newspaper or magazine articles or throwaway remarks in conversation as if she was alive and viable. The great canonization had yet to occur, but at no time was she ever forgotten.
