MovieChat Forums > Marilyn Monroe Discussion > Today's youth have love for Marilyn...

Today's youth have love for Marilyn...

I spend a lot of my time working with teenagers, and it occurs to me more and more just how many young people find Marilyn so attractive and appealing. Almost every work day I see at least one or two kids wearing Marilyn on their t-shirts or hoodies. Sometimes, if the opportunity presents itself, I will comment or ask them if they are a fan - as I myself adore her - and they usually smile and say 'yes'...

I think this is such an endearing testament to Marilyn's lasting appeal.

The most recognizable American face of the 20th century endures!!!


Yes, Marilyn was very lovable. There was always something so sweet and innocent about her. It was easy to want to protect her. She was one-of-a-kind.

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna


It would be interesting to find out how many of those teenagers have actually sat through an entire Marilyn Monroe movie, or have seen more than one of them. I used to see young people wearing Che Guevara t-shirts a lot and not one of them had a clue who he was, when he was, or what he did or didn't do. It was just an image they though made them look cool.
