MovieChat Forums > Marilyn Monroe Discussion > Beautiful profile shot

Beautiful profile shot

This is a great shot of her profile by Earl Theisen, probably from 1947 (or earlier, even). Profile shots of Marilyn are pretty unusual... Most pictures are just straight on the front of her face. She was known to have a bit of a weak chin and a "lantern jaw", but it really isn't obvious in this picture. (you can see it in some candids) She was a great model! She knew how to compensate. It's been said that she had a good side and a bad side of her face. This has got to be the good side!



I'm sorry, I can't figure out how to make the damned link clickable!



It's okay. I think I know the shot. Her chin was a bit weak, and in 1950,Johnny Hyde arranged for a bone cartilage to improve that, but it dissolved within a few years, and she never replaced it. By then her makeup was more sophisticated and she had leaned to "present" her face, in public. The nose work was minor as well. (Both Natalie Wood and Elizabeth Taylor had their own delicate tweaks from the same doctor.) Interestingly, in 1948's "Ladies of Chorus" before anything more than bleach had altered her appearance, she looks remarkably like the later Marilyn, especially at certain angles. In others, she resembles a platinum Shirley Temple.


___How is it possible to have a weak chin AND a lantern jaw, oxymoron.
___Marilyn had a very defined jaw line which served her well to the end. There was nothing wrong with her chin, implant or not. She looks as lovely as Norma Jeane as Marilyn, just different, mainly the hair color, length and straightness. Then there was the hairline work, which other stars had done, namely Rita Hayworth. Marilyn ckaimed her right side was her best, but I think she must have been thinking from a photo view point as most photo's were shot from the left side. Marilyn's face was not exactly symmetric which is a common barameter for beauty. She had a fatty deposit around her right cheek that as she aged would have gotten worse had she not surgically fixed it, which I'm sure she would have. There are certain photos where this flaw is quite noticeable and one could see the coming aging of Monroe. But, you had to look very carefully as this was seldom visible. Also, her right eye was weaker than the left and that also is visible in shots. Has something to do with the male female left right brain dominance.


Dorian gray, from certain angles in candids (I'll post some when I have a chance) she does indeed have a weak jaw line. There was no transition or break... It went straight down from her neck. In candids you can see that her chin doubles quite easily. It was not for nothing that in her early days in Hollywood she was referred to as the "chinless wonder". Most of the time she was very skilled at hiding that. She knew how to position her face in pictures.


No need to take offense... I can observe just from looking at pictures that her jaw line was weak. The rest of her facial features were very pretty and well proportioned. And she was a skilled enough model to compensate for the deficiency.

And she wasn't the only famous beauty from that era who had a less than stellar chin- Elizabeth Taylor's was pretty bad too, possibly even worse than Marilyn's. (Sorry Denis - 38).

Check out pictures of Audrey Hepburn in profile to see a beautifully defined jaw line.
