MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What even is SELF DETERMINATION?


Regardless of what say ASPECT or AREA it applies to, can it even apply to, err, anything, and with regards to say an intimate matter...

Is it simply a case of someone doing something on their own free will as opposed to being forced into it, which basically yeah would be exploitation among other things and also...

You know in life in generally? There's like this THIN LINE between right and wrong, yes or no, left and right etc etc, like, MORALLY, is that what it ultimately is about, doing something willingly versus someone making you do it when you don't want to or is there (although that too) more to it than all of this?

And who is right here and how much does it all matter, cheers.


Vision Quest (1985)


Hell Yeah!
My favorite Matthew Modine flick!
That movie was so much better than it needed to be.

Much like Fighting starting Channing Tatertots it transcended the script and became a wonderful movie about physical prowess and sexy romance!


* plus I think Madonna was in a scene which at the time was pretty cool.


Force isnt the only part. Benefit, incentive, peer pressure, and routine are aspects missing.

Self determination may be a choice to go against the standard for reasons outside the normal convention.

I left the military two years ago even though I could have $20k for a federal bonus, $15K for a state bonus, $50K for Student Loan debt, and $23k for Brs-CP. There was a retirement package available pending time in service.

But, regardless of the incentive, my freedom from a life under government rule was worth more than the money.

Surprisingly, my finances are much better now that I left and focused on my civilian career. My former colleagues wouldn't think to turn down that offer. I determined what was best and went against the benefit, conventional wisdom, the incentives, the peer pressure, and routines. Even with a year of hard selling to keep me in.
