Those who were born before the 90s got to live through
The birth of internet
The turn of the century
The turn of the millennium
The Hailey comet
And possibly witness the birth of the first Martian in our life times?
You can extend that much further.
Western Europe has by now completed a full (statistical average) human lifetime of 80 years, 1945 - 2025, where the people of half a continent have lived out their full lives without war for the first time in the history of the world.
Modern medicine has developped things that nobody even imagined, i.e. they have eliminated almost all surgeries for herniated discs, because they figured out it's just an inflammation that can be treated with anti inflammatory pills.
Cataract used to be an incurable problem making people blind, by now that's a miniature surgery taking less than an hour to fix.
NASA has sent two space probes out that have by now left our solar system and are to this day submitting data back to earth.
We have seen Oumuamua, the very first interstellar object that doesn't originate from our solar system passing through our solar system.
We have outlived a huge load of doomsday prophecies, such as the end of the Mayan calendar and put them all into the realm of superstitious nonsense.
And so on and so forth, the list is much longer than anyone could write down.
Despite all the problems we still have in this world, we're living in the best of times the world has had so far.
I googled Oumuamua and they only refer it to as an "interstellar object". It took a few minutes to find out it's a comet. Is comet not a PC word now? Should Trump rename it "Comet of America"? Sorry I mean "interstellar object of America"?
Depends on the definition of comet.
If a comet is an object with frozen gas on it that melts and generates a tail when it comes close to the sun, then yes, it's a comet.
If a comet is an object in orbit around our sun, that keeps coming back, showing its tale every time until it runs out of frozen gas, then nope, it's not a comet, because it's something that passed through our system just once and disappears into interstellar space again, never to come back.
Man landing on the moon.
Fall of the Berlin Wall.
Collapse of communism
End of Cold War
First color TVs
Start of the computer age
The Beatles coming to America
Rise of Rock & Roll; Rap, Soul, R&B
Golden Age of TV
Civil Rights Movement
Women's Right Movement
Sexual Revolution & The Pill
Greenhouse Effect
Good movie special effects
Video Games
Perhaps we're witnessing:
End of the American Experiment