MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it weird that because of Fortnite, I'...

Is it weird that because of Fortnite, I'm more familiar with types of guns?

Before playing the video game Fortnite, I thought guns were pretty interchangeable and I didn't know that they could be classified into many types. Because of experience getting different types of guns in this game, I could identify each type when they are being used. For example, the Terminator loves shotguns although he could be seen using submachine guns from time to time. In the movie Point Break, the main robber can be seen using a shotgun.


I'm playing Red Dead Redemption right now. Fun cowboy game. There's rifles, revolvers and shotguns so far.

Signed, million man.


I should get back into the single-player campaign of that game one of these days....


You got xbox or ps

Signed, million man.


PS4. But I have the online mode on PC.


I'm looking for someone to do multiplayer achievements with.

Signed, million man.


Not at all. Never played Fortnite, but played a lot of Counter-Strike back in the day. IIRC, there was heavy resistance in the IRL gun community about gamers referring to the Desert Eagle .50AE semi-auto handgun as a "Deagle" from C-S, but now those kids have grown up and it's as common a nickname as Tommy Gun or Grease Gun.

Sure you're aware of it, but is a neat site for this sort of thing.


Ah cool! Thanks for the input and link!


My pleasure! Embarrassing story time. Around 15 years ago I was at an indoor range, where everyone has their own "lane" with dividers, shelves for your gear, and a rail overhead where you clip your target in and buttons to zip your target via a cable/pulley system to whatever distance you like. Similar to:

Anyway, as is usual amongst gatherings of hobbyists, friendly conversations happen frequently, often ending up with a "here, try mine!" Well, one time the other guy had a Deagle...

Now, I've been shooting since I was a kid, and am an above average height/build guy. Although I'm not personally a fan of freaking giant hand cannons, I have shot a few, the biggest being a friend's S&W model 629 .44 magnum revolver several times at *outdoor* ranges, and since the Deagle's heavy slide and recoil spring mitigate's *some* of the .50 AE's kick, I said something like, "Okay, I can't pass up an opportunity like this, but just one round (think they were well over a dollar apiece even at the time). Hope I don't drop it!" And everyone laughed... :D

I took a firm proper two-handed grip, and honestly braced extra hard, squeezed off a shot, and *bonk*! The recoil lifted my arms just high enough to dink this guy's $1,500+ gun off the overhead rail. I was mortified and apologized profusely, but luckily there was no detectible scratch or dent in the finish, and the guy and his friends were visibly entertained and friendly so thankfully it was all good. Finally, I said something like, "At least I didn't drop it!" And everybody laughed... :D


Haha! What a story! Thanks for sharing!


I learned to recognise a deagle from playing CS , now I'm amazed how many movies its in , even ones i go back and didnt realise at the time , like T1


Yeah, they're pretty iconic. And unless the actor is the size of Andre the Giant (RIP), in anyone's hand on screen it epitomizes a "BFG."

Ah, C-S was so fun. My most played map was fy_iceworld, just pwning n00bs with a MAC-10 for hours. (ahem, sorry) Wonder if my Steam account is still active...


I still play it :)

I returned to it when other FPS games i was playing devolved into all the players voting the same map all the time
( those were Action Quake2 , Unreal Tournament 99 , and Warface )

CS1.6 / CSgo , now called CS2 after recent engine upgrade seems to only enable a very limited selection of maps for fear of not getting enough people i guess.
... which has reduced even in the past couple years I've been on it


Great to hear it's still active, at least. I'm pretty basic, so would be happy to play dust, nuke and train. And if TF2 is still around I'd just stick with 2fort and mostly play engy, spy or medic. When they added all the weird power-ups to TF2 is about when I drifted away. Think the last games I played were Portal and the sequel. Loved those, and own both soundtracks, too. :D If they ever release HL3, that will likely pull me back in. Yeah, I'm a Valve fanboi...

[edit] Just remembered I loved Left 4 Dead and the sequel and played the heck out of them for a bit.


well good news , dust, nuke and train are still there , Train having just made a triumphant return from the dead .
No sign of TF2 though .

I'm playing cs because you can just "dip in and out"
as opposed to some big campaign like Farcry6 or god forbid Fallout because I need to get house renovations done :))

and "Mirage" is the current 'oh not this one again' map for me in CS


NO TF2! D:

Yeah, never got in to big campaign/strategy games, but when I was a kid I graduated from IRL D&D sessions to Bard's Tale and Baldur's Gate, likely others I can't recall rn. Diablo for a time, but a bit too hack & slashy for me.

But yeah, with you on the time suckers. Heh, never even heard of mirage...


So you can tell the difference between a shotgun and a machine gun?

Uhm, that's not saying much.


I know...I didn't really distinguish before that. I'm not an expert on guns....


Well if it's any consolation, I think of all trees as just trees.


No. When I was a kid I used to play Gran Turismo. It taught me a lot about car manufacturers.




No offence but yeah, I think it’s weird: but maybe I misunderstand what you meant.

I’m hardly a gun expert but how would you not know the difference between say a Colt 45 and a shotgun? They don’t even look the same.


Like I said, I'm not an expert on guns. But I guess I never really paid attention to such details...I dunno.


There are a lot of different guns that "Colt 45" could refer to, the most famous ones being a Colt M1911 (or M1911A1, or Government Model, or Commander, or Officer's ACP) chambered for .45 ACP and a Colt Single Action Army chambered for .45 Colt, which themselves don't look anything alike, since one is a revolver and the other is an automatic. There are various other single-action and double-action revolvers made by Colt that were chambered for .45 ACP, .45 Colt, and simply a .45 caliber ball (cap and ball type revolvers from the pre-metallic cartridge era).

For that matter, it could even refer to a Thompson submachine gun (AKA: "Tommy Gun"), because those were chambered for .45 ACP and the original run of them (and highest quality version) was manufactured by Colt.

But yeah, none of them look like a shotgun.


Thanks for the info 👍
