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Getting scared as an adult...

I was a scaredy cat growing up. Even the theme song to The X Files would spook me.

Wasn't allowed to watch horror movies. Would always get nightmares. Even into my teen years, horror movies scared me.

But it's been a while. I think The Descent (2005) was the last horror movie that genuinely scared me.

I almost got hit by a motorcycle around Halloween last year, just made me mad, not scared.

But something happened last month. I was hospitalised with a stomach ulcers problem & it had been raining pretty heavily that night.

I was going to pee & when I got up, the sky flashed so brightly that my whole room lit up. I'm talking blinding light.

And oh yeah, there was thunder (which kept getting closer). But hey, I'm a grown ass man, thunder doesn't scare me. Went to go the toilet, power went out. Took a flashlight.

When I was done peeing, washed my hands & that's when I heard the loudest thundering bang I've ever heard in my entire life.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that it sounded like the explosion sound effects you hear in movies.

My legs turned to jelly. And (Probably) for the first time in my adult life, I wanted to call out for my mommy πŸ˜†. I heard that shit in my soul, man! Couldn't sleep, my heart was beating so damn fast. πŸ˜†

BTW, Sorry for the long ass post.


I'm sorry you had to be hospitalized. I noticed your absence and was glad to see you back recently.

I'm trying to think of the last thing that really scared me besides recent health related issues. I guess the closest thing to a jump scare was a ride at Disney World recently where the vehicle I was in made a sudden drop and I wasn't expecting it. I gasped I'm sure. My family didn't warn me about it ahead of time because they knew I would not have gone near it had I known.


was glad to see you back recently.

Thank you.

the vehicle I was in made a sudden drop and I wasn't expecting it. I gasped I'm sure. My family didn't warn me about it ahead of time because they knew I would not have gone near it had I known.

Never been a fan of roller coaster rides & the like. Not just cause I have a fear of heights but cause I've honestly just never got the appeal of them. Just not a fan, personally.


Oh I don't touch roller coasters with a 10-ft pole. This was a low thrill ride overall but it did have one small plunge.

Of course when it was over I felt totally bada$$ for having ridden it.


How are your stomach ulcers doing though?


Mild pain from time to time but I can manage it, mostly.

Thanks for asking.


"But I can manage it" πŸ‘


A thunderstorm directly overhead is a really scary thing, not only because you get the flash from lightning and the extremely loud thunder without warning and within one second, there's the actual real danger of a lightning strike that can cause fire or something.
Being scared is a totally normal reaction there.


For sure. I genuinely thought it hit us or somewhere extremely close to us.

It's all everyone was talking out in the morning. Even Doctors & Nurses who weren't on call heard it from their homes, miles away.

A lot of people thought it legit hit ''someone'' that night. But we were all lucky that night.


Are you a doctor?


No. My first name is Doctor. I had it legally changed.


Say what? 🀣


Glad to hear you're doing better.

I had a somewhat similar scare about a month ago. I woke up with a strange tingling sensation on the left side of my face that rapidly worsened to the point where I thought my face was going to explode and seemed to be losing feeling. I immediately thought I was having a stroke, which was pretty scary. I was about to go to the ER when I realized it could be severe sinus congestion. I grabbed my allergy spray, and two quick pumps cleared up whatever the blockage was. The pain went away even faster than it had appeared.

That whole ordeal likely lasted less than 5 minutes, but wow that was a scary ass 5 minutes lol.


Damn, that was quite a roller coaster! πŸ˜†

But seriously though, glad it wasn't a stroke & everything worked out.

When you wake up with pain or weird sensation, it's legit disorienting. Sometimes I think to myself, is this really happening or am I still asleep. A good slap across the face does wonders to wake one up. πŸ˜†


What brand is the allergy spray?


A combination of Flonase and a saline spray. I very occasionally use Afrin, but that one I try to use it minimally.


This allows one to begin to appreciate what men in service endure under artilliary & drone & mortar fire have endured, are enduring. For them, it doesn't stop.


I so can relate to you man! I was early 20’s and they started dynamiting the field behind my parent’s house to build new houses. The sound and the shake it created, I thought it was the world’s end for a brief moment!
Still remember the feeling.


There's a quote I like, I can't remember the author's name but that doesn't matter:

Fear is just a line in your head. You can choose what side of that line you want to be on.
