Cyberjoke 4000

In homage to Al Lowe and his Cyberjoke 3000 which wrapped up last year after twenty five years of jokes, I'll try to post some jokes here on a regular basis and we'll see how long it can last.

And with that, the Cyberjoke 4000 is active.

What's the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing.


I used to date this girl named Ruth. She made me happy and when I was with her I was always a better person. Then she dumped me. Now, I’m ruthless.


Just think, if it weren't for marriage, men would go through life thinking they had no faults at all.
-Henny Youngman


Some of us never realize we’re always wrong until we meet that special lady🙄


I was driving down the road this morning when I suddenly hit a pile of sour cream and chives.
I didn't see the dip in the road.


😂 This one was particularly funny.

Even if I don't reply to each one I do think this is a cool and funny thread.


I know a guy who works as a custodian and gardener at a nearby apartment building, and sometimes I earn a couple extra bucks by lending him a hand when he's got a particularly big workload. He's got some bad habits, though. He asked me if he wanted to share a joint while we were on a break. I declined. I didn't want to deal with a high maintenance guy.


People are always skeptical when I say I climbed Mount Everest.
But it's true, I made it up.


Did you hear about the guy with five dicks?
His pants fit like a glove.

Bonus points if you know what movie this is from.

And because I have to every time I see the words pants....


A lot of women say their husband never listens to them.
I am proud to say I have never heard my wife say that.


What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
A stick.
