MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should single women have less sex than s...

Should single women have less sex than single men?

I'm not validating it. But does the slut label make sense? Or is it just so much sexist bias?

Also, we all know males are more promiscuous by nature than females. Don't even argue the point. If women were like men there would be countless male prostitutes walking up and down the boulevard. There aren't unless they're looking for male johns.

So basically, is it wise for women to suppress their sex drive? But if they do, what will all the horny straight guys do?


I don't really know how to answer this question except that dating & sex are rigged where Women control it and only allow access to it for high status Men. I'm a 43 year old virgin and no matter how much I wish I could change it but I can't.



Are you Steve Carell?
How have you not stumbled into ONE vagina?


Is that by personal choice or happenstance?
If choice, I respect that.
If not, it takes work, effort and game.


happenstance, I know women smell it on me and you can't get past it no matter how hard you try. I loath the thought of projecting being a single man and trying. There is nothing more hated on in society than being a single man.


not knowing your situation AT ALL, you need to look around in the world, and SEE with your own eyes (like I have seen also) that even shorter, not handsome, not rich guys are finding women, and are getting sex, and marriage.

if you are very introverted, that's a problem, but again, EVERYTHING is beaten given an effort to reverse it. if it is important (or interesting) to you, face the problem, address it, seek solutions, and put in the work.

Like I said, it takes work, effort and "Game". But if it is not of interest, that's okay too. Nothing wrong with personal choices.

If the GAME part worries you, do a bunch of reading about PICK UP ARTISTS because that is a system known to net women - whether women choose to believe it or not doesn't matter because it WORKS, or else that system would have faded away decades ago. If you use PUA, it's not just for getting laid (even though it seems to work) but also just MEETING girls and getting to know how to interact with them.


What kind of scumbag promotes being a PUA?


I personally don't do it, but it is what it is: a proven working method
It's no different than COMPLIMENTING a woman, or buying her dinner because you have interest in her.


I hate PUAs. They are lowlife scum. The last time I attempted to socialize it was from going out with a few friends off of a singles group. One woman attempted to talk to me and I though she was full of shit so I left. I also caught covid that night.
To answer the question of this post yes Women expect Men to be more sexually experienced. That shows you are a man, you are battle tested, and been desired by other women.


Sounds like you made the choice you are most comfortable with, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Soldier on! :)


Don't get me wrong I'd change my luck if I could but it's nearly impossible to change my ways.


I was going to mention in a previous post that got too long, it is not LUCK at all. It's dedicated perserverance. But, yeah, you are not interested in changing your ways, and that is okay too.

You do you and be happy. :)

If you really wanted it, you'd see that not changing your ways is the road block. But, like I said, that is just fine.


I saw my hairstylist a few weeks ago and often discussed being single. She's single also but about 3 years older than me with two grown kids. She's always flirty with me and mentioned to me around my next haircut appointment being close to Valentine's day and it just being another day for me. That kind of hurt hearing that even though I know it wasn't anything bad or mean.


DO YOU want to date or DON'T YOU? It's fine if you don't but, waffling to yourself only makes you feel worse.

If you do, stand up and do something about it. Maybe just see if she wants to do dinner for Valentines day - just for fun, just friends.

If you don't, then don't worry about it and enjoy the life you have. :)


if you mean literal SMELL, buy better soap, shower DAILY, get hair cut/trimmed, improve your wardrobe, and stand tall like you have too much confidence. fake it till you make it.
research says, grow some stubble beard... not clean shaven, not big hairy neck beard juck, just stubble.

acting like you have confidence actually IMPROVES your real confidence. facts. all women are attracted to confidence. speaking from observing the world, and much personal experience.


I mean they smell inexperience. I'm 6'2", average-ish build, and clean shaven most of the time. I hate the bears trend. I won't have my appearance dictated by conformist standards that make all dudes look the same. That's the same reason why I refuse to get a tattoo.




doesn't sound like he is interested really, and that is fine too. nothing wrong with that



I guess it is possible. There are lots of introverts, and not HUNKY guys on the planet that have issues approaching.

But yeah, tis the internet... could also be any liar or a BOT



natural balance is off, and getting worse due to technology/media. (Thanks, Ted K, you tried to warn us)

societal norms are skewing reality for profit because sex literally sells.
so they sell us pretty women in beer ads and magazines. women get upset call it shaming, then turn around and use filters in photos to pretty up (to compete) and literally sell their bodies in only fans. YouTubes get more ad click profit having a thumbnail of big breast side boobs than NOT using that picture.

guys will ALWAYS seek sex. hard wired and all that.

women DO control that access. and what do they do? they go to college and get lose and used. or fuck about on Only Fans for money because... I guess, guys PAY for that??

Now, women don't want to just meet an acceptable guy, they want ONLY the top 10%: money, height, looks, and because of in your face media, think THEY all deserve the top 1 or 10%. With all the women out there, this means SHARING those guys.... but women don't want that either. Unnatural imbalance.

Guys are simpler and don't suffer that type of imbalance, they will bone anything - as stated in the OP. But they suffer from not being in the 1 to 10% because that is impossible. Unnatural unbalance PART 2

And this is all NEW due to technology serving up the MEDIA that allows people to look at things in a way never before possible: "Oh here's a tall rich single guy up for grabs, way out of my legue, I now have access too" and "Oh, look at all the horny women that want my seed"... very very VERY Unnatural Unbalance. Living in America, I NEVER had access to bone 50 potential women living in Europe, that's just insane. Yet the option now exists. If I was in 10%, and options were available.... WHY WOULDN'T I??? And the WOMEN ALLOW that option to exist by putting themselves up there.

Should single women have less sex? I will say, to correct and rebalance society, single women should have NO SEX AT ALL. Except by them selves. This would cut OFF the men, make them rethink their field. UNTIL MARRIAGE

This would fix some major broken things:

1. men and relationships would blossom BETTER than the one night stand thing happening now. people would meet, get to know each other a longer while first and DECIDE if they love each other enough for the marriage long haul, and making and raising children.

2. sex would would be much more special, KNOWING your guy hasn't boned 100 other women, or your girl wasn't boned by 100 different guys. there would be ZERO "act comparison" and sex would be learned and grown naturally in the relationship unit, rather than by books, magazines, or videos.

3. personal self respect would rise for everyone.

4. stronger founded relationships leads to better sex, less or no cheating, less VD etc etc etc

5. MAYBE porn and prostitution would drop or go away entirely. Unable to determine this since our system is not setup to allow contentment to flourish.... the exact opposite for profit actually.


Should single women have less sex? I will say, to correct and rebalance society, single women should have NO SEX AT ALL. Except by them selves. This would cut OFF the men, make them rethink their field. UNTIL MARRIAGE



what about all the other ideas I mentioned? what did you think about the unnatural imbalance?


Do you think all women have an onlyfans and go to college to have sex? Jesus Christ.


(sigh.... .here we go...)

INTERNET conversations talk in generalities, NEVER "this is exactly how EVERYONE is"



Now, women don't want to just meet an acceptable guy, they want ONLY the top 10%: money, height, looks, and because of in your face media, think THEY all deserve the top 1 or 10%.

I disagree with part of this. Women look for money and success in a man. Looks are secondary to them, often unimportant. They want a secure future and it's an evolutionary survival trait. Smart women make sure there's a secure stable home for their children. They'll take the fat old rich man over the goodlooking young cad any day.

Men conversely don't care if a woman has a good job and money, as long as she looks hot.


People should feel free to have as much or as little consensual sex as they want. While societal pressures and constraints are a reality, individuals need to move past those and live the life they truly want. At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge that society's broader judgments can sometimes be unfair, but they are something people may have to navigate; they don’t justify limiting individual autonomy.


No, they should not.


Women should be way more responsible with their bodies and their energy. Psychologically, sex with different guys can mess you up, big time. And you become detached more and more from your own emotional health, and can lead to detachment from seeking a serious relationship.

Same goes for guys.

Sex is powerful, and abusing that power brings emotional and psychological disaster.


This is some HARD, FACTUAL truths no one seems capable of respecting anymore.

We've all witnessed the fall out from exactly this stuff, and why I pushed hardcore monogamy in my long post.


Glad you agree. Your post mentions some good points.
